Chapter Eleven

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TAEHYUNG couldn't sleep that night. Even when Seokjin woke up in the middle of night to pee and pester his husband about getting some sleep, he didn't find himself falling asleep, but instead staring at the ceiling in thought. He couldn't stop worrying about what had happened to Jimin earlier. Did...Yoongi did that? Did he beat him up that much that Jimin even begged to be picked up?

As far as he knew, the two of them were the sweetest couple he had ever seen and rarely ever fought. And if they do, he knew that they always resolve it a few minutes later and nothing ever goes past screaming at each other...that's what Jimin told him. Or was he lied to the whole time? Is this how long term relationships works? Taehyung sighed to himself and looked down at his lover, running his finger through his hair. He can't help but feel the disheartening feeling that Seokjin and he would end up like them one day.

It was around six in the morning that Taehyung decided he should get out of bed and get ready for the day. He knew the older was still soundly asleep so he let him be. Walking towards the elevator, he rode it to the ground floor, greeting some of the maids he had seen on the way. As Taehyung set foot into the dining room, Jimin was already awake, a cup of coffee clutched in his hands but he still looked like a mess.

The older male looked up, his eyes still dull and tearstained. Taehyung went to sit beside him, looking at his best friend with a stern look, "Whenever you're ready, Jimi."

Jimin looked up, sighing softly and running his fingers through his chestnut hair. "We fought." He muttered, fingertips lightly grazing over the wound on his eyes. Taehyung leaned forward on his knees, his hands on his mouth as he inspects Jimin closely. He feels as if he'd seen this all before with Seokjin.

"And the bruises?" he finally asked, voice still scratchy from the lack of sleep he had the past night. Jimin tensed noticeably beside him, his eyes facing downwards to his feet as if it held all the answers in the universe.

"H-He got a bit mad."

Taehyung sighed and leaned back on the dining chair, his mind completely blank. Jimin seemed lost in his own mind too, his eyes fixated on his sock clad feet.

"I'm going to have a talk with him." Is all Taehyung said before he grabbed his unfinished coffee cup, making his way back upstairs into his bedroom. Seokjin was still asleep when he got there, cuddled up in Taehyung's covers and the younger male smiled softly, ordering the maid to bring up some breakfast, knowing that the older male didn't had enough sleep waiting for him to come back last night.

Taehyung leaned down to peck his fiancé's lips, the memories of the plans they made for their wedding the other night making him smile as he caresses the other's cheeks, waiting for him to wake up. And wake up Seokjin did, pretty eyes opening to meet Taehyung's. A wide smile spread across his face and he immediately snuggled his face into Taehyung's warm hands.

"Good Morning." he greeted easily, yawning as he kissed Taehyung's fingertips.

"Morning, sweetheart." Taehyung replied, "I got you breakfast in bed ready, a maid will be sending it up soon." He informed, standing up and dusting his pants off. "Meanwhile, I have to get ready to go to work, babe."

Seokjin pouted cutely, plump lips jutted out as he looked at the younger male. "I'll be bored at home all day."

Taehyung grinned softly and leaned down to peck his lover's lips, "You can hang out with Jimin while I'm gone babe. Make sure you don't push him too much though, okay, hyung?" he whispered, "He's been having it rough."

Seokjin nodded along, "I can see that." He whispered. "I promise I'll help and hang out with him."

And that was all the promising Taehyung needed before he was set off for work. And perhaps, have a small talk with someone he know needs one.

Taehyung found himself parked in the parking lot of Jimin and Yoongi's apartment once again after work. He had called the older male earlier, informing him that he needed to talk to him about what happened last night, like men do, one on one. Jimin is his best friend and he wasn't going to let anything happen to him when the other male had been with him through thick and thin. He was there when he was with Seokjin, or with anyone else, and if Yoongi can't see what is in front of him, lord help him.

Taehyung didn't barge in this time, but rang the doorbell, waiting for the older male to open the door and greet him. Once the door cracked open, he stared at Yoongi, who was looking at him with the same stoic look.

"You ready?" Taehyung questioned.

"Tae really loves you." Spoke Jimin as him and Seokjin were hanging out in the huge living room. The older male turned to the small, lean male, a small blush spreading across his face.

"You think so?" He questioned, looking at Jimin.

"I know so." Jimin answered truthfully, a fond smile tugging at his lips at the thought of his best friend. "You're all he would talk about. He always keep saying about how you were his first love since he was a child, it was honestly the sweetest thing to hear." Jimin explained, his smile faltering and his hands running through the bumps on the leather of the sofa. "The both of you are a perfect're lucky to have each other." He encouraged, smiling genuinely to the older male though his eyes seemed to be void of any emotions.

Seokjin smiled back, "You make a great pair with Yoongi too..." he whispered back as a compliment and Jimin let out a breathy laughter.

" they say." was all Jimin replied and Seokjin was more than confused.

They continue sitting in the living room, an awkward silence lingering in the room. Awkward, but something neither of them wanted to break because sometimes things are better this way, just the quietness. Jimin was on the brink of falling asleep with his head on Seokjin's shoulder when Taehyung walked in. Seokjin was first to stand up, running to greet his fiancé with a big kiss on the forehead while Jimin didn't even bother turning around, knew that there was nothing else for him.

Taehyung pulled Seokjin towards the elevator once Yoongi walked in, shushing the older male and leaving the couple to solve their problems on their own.

Once they arrived to Taehyung's room, the younger male was quick to pin the older on the wall closest to the door, "Now...let me show you how much I missed you hyung."

Seokjin giggled airily before nodding, letting Taehyung guide him to their bed. And the rest...was better left unsaid.

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