Chapter Nine [M]

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"JIN, baby, wake up." Taehyung whispered, bringing Jin out of his sleepy state. The older slowly fluttered his eyes open, looking around until his eyes were fixed to Taehyung's mansion. "We're here." Taehyung mumbled, tugging on Seokjin's, arms as he got out of the car. In any other circumstances, Taehyung would've carried his boyfriend out of the car and to their bedroom if he was asleep in the car but he was way to tipsy himself. He could barely walk, and carrying Seokjin right now would never end up the right way, and they would just go tumbling down like two pine cones.

Seokjin stumbled out of their car, wiping his eyes and yawning. The party was amazing, Seokjin met all of Taehyung's best friends, even got a little drunk after going a love shot with his boyfriend. And now, after his short nap on the way home, he began realizing how bad it was to drink - especially with his low tolerance level. His head was ringing and he couldn't even walk straight.

By the time they were in the elevator to get to Taehyung's room (and his now, apprantely) Seokjin was already a giggling mess, pulling his boyfriend by the collar and whispering non sense, un-laughable dad jokes. But Taehyung laughs anyways, because his boyfriend was adorable in a way.

"What rises other than the sun in the morning?"

Taehyung stayed quiet, giving Seokjin a shrug and then glancing at him, "I don't know, what?"

"A dick!" Seokjin sputtered out with a serie of giggles, leaning on Taehyung's side. Taehyung let out a sound of amusement, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's waist and pulling him out of the elevator, the other male stumbling behind him. "It's too hot." Seokjin muttered, pulling on the tie around his collar and falling against the bed. Taehyung smiled before switching the AC on, getting beside his boyfriend on the bed. The older male sat up and grabbed the water purifier on the bed side table before drinking up almost half of it, trying to make himself more sober.

Even he was get tired of his own jokes.

Drinking water helped. The brunette placed the purifier back on to the table before standing up to get changed. It took him a few moments to nudge Taehyung to get changed as well, seeing the younger lying in bed and scrolling through his social media.

After Seokjin picked out a pajama for both of them and they changed, the couple crawled back in bed and Taehyung's lips were quick to make his way to his boyfriend's own. "I love you." He muttered, trailing short kissing along his boyfriend's jaw. The brunette hummed, tilting his head back and wrapping his legs around Taehyung.

"I love you too babe..."

Taehyung smirked against his neck, looking up at Seokjin, leaning up to kiss him again. It was quick for things to get heated, and before they knew it, Taehyung's tongue had found it's way into Seokjin's mouth and his big hands were fondling with Seokjin's ass. The male moaned into the kiss, the alcohol in his system and Taehyung's tongue on his mouth was enough to make him feel things he haven't felt before. The brunette arched his back as he looked up at his younger boyfriend. "A-Ah...Tae..." He whispered, tangling his hands in the top's hair as he started grounding his hips into his groin.

Taehyung pulled back, instantly pulling off his shirt. Seokjin's burning body was pulled up as well, Taehyung hastily taking off the white Tee around Seokjin's body. "Fuck, you're so beautiful." He mumbled, caressing his fiance's face with his thumb. Seokjin blushed a dark shade of red before thumbing at Taehyung's neck. The younger male was quick to continue, laying the pale male back on to the bed as he kissed down his neck, tan hands wrapping around a pale waist, fingers spreading against Seokjin's bottom.

His teeth bit and sucked, his lips licked and kissed, he had to make Seokjin his, his and only his. The brunette arched his back, moans leaving his pink lips. "T-Tae...please."

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