Chapter Eight

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SEOKJIN was let out of the hospital a few days after. Taehyung had came over to the hospital every single day, every single time with a promise of more mashed potatoes and burgers that Seokjin loves oh so much ( even though he always eat the meat part of the burger only and Taehyung had to finish up the rest of the bread and cheese) They were now back in Taehyung's house after the younger insisted that it was okay for the older male to stay there with him and his family. The Kims had filed a lawsuit against Seokjin's parents for child abuse, making sure that no settlements will ever be enough to compensate the crime. Taehyung's father insisted to Seokjin that he was going to settle everything and that there was nothing to worry about other than their marriage.

"So you're getting married?" Namjoon asked the older, setting his cup of coffee down on the table. Seokjin nodded, taking a sip from his own cup. They were both sat in a cafe down town, the same one that Taehyung picks Seokjin up from everyday after his college. Namjoon frowned a bit, but nodded, "Well I wish you the best of luck in the marriage..." He trailed off, "excuse me if I sound rude but isn't this a little too fast for you guys to be moving, hyung?" Namjoon asked, playing around with his tissue while looking at Seokjin.

"It is, but we're not getting married like right now, we're just planning it. Taehyung still have to finish his college and get a degree." Seokjin shrugged.

Namjoon nodded, "And your parents?" he asked wearily. "What about your parents?"

The older of the two bit his lips and sighed, "I don't know..." he sighed and ran his finger through his hair. "They're in prison now, a-and I don''t know, I might go meet them and tell them the news?" he questioned more to himself than he did to Namjoon, looking down at his hands, which now have a few stray hair hanging from it. He shook them off gently and sighed again. Namjoon looked at him and sighed, wrapping his arms around the smaller male's shoulders and letting him lean against him. "It's okay hyung..." He said softly, "I'm sure you'll find a way to tell them."

Seokjin nodded, wiped his eyes and just wished he would at least get to see them once more before he got married.

Taehyung sighed as he parked his car in front of the cafe, seeing Seokjin in the window seat he always sits in. He could see that Namjoon was gone by now and raised an eyebrow before walking in. Seokjin somehow looked...dull. Taehyung plopped himself down on the seat in front of the older male, causing him to jump and look up. "Shit- you scared me!" Seokjin yelled, empty coffee cup in hand and ready to attack.

Taehyung laughed and moved his seat so he was beside his hyung, placing a small kiss on the male's head. "I'm sorry, baby." He apologized, wrapping his arms around Jin's waist as he ordered himself a cup of coffee. And Seokjin knew it's gonna take a few more hours before they decided to go back home.

"I hate it when you call me baby," Seokjin pouted.

"Hate is a strong word, baby." Taehyung leaned back on the velvet seat, munching on one of Seokjin's cookie that he just stole. The older gave him a playful glare and shoved the last one into his own mouth. "You're such a mean person when it comes to food," Taehyung laughed, watching Seokjin trying to chew the big round cookie be just popped into his mouth. "Why am I with you?"

Seokjin shrugged and stuck his tongue out, causing a mess of cookie crumbs to fall onto both his and Taehyung's laps. The younger male made a face, shaking the crumbs off his lap, "Hyung-" Seokjin leaned back in his chair, his wind-shield laughter making everyone in the cafe turn back to him. Taehyung shook his head and sighed, "You're impossible." He chuckled before standing up and dusting himself off.

"Alright, let's go home."

"Can we have ice cream on the way?"

Taehyung gave him a look,

"Absolutely not."

Seokjin whined softly, clinging on Taehyung's shirt sleeve. "Why not?" He pouted, soft lips turning into a sad frown. Taehyung pressed his lips against his before pulling him towards the car, no further words about ice cream we're exchanged on the way home.


Seokjin was belting out the lyrics to one of the pop songs that Taehyung honestly haven't found quite a liking to. But when Seokjin was the one singing it, Taehyung decided that it wasn't that bad after all. They were on their way to a dinner party east side of town, Taehyung deciding to drive instead of getting their driver to drive them around town. "Hyung, one day you're going to break your voice box if you sing that loud." The younger male teased, holding Seokjin's hand gently in his hold and giving it a small peck. Seokjin pouted, slapped Taehyung on his bicep but that was it before he went back to his loud singing.

Taehyung just chuckled and pressed a kiss to the older male's knuckles.

By the time they arrived, it was around six thirty in the evening. Taehyung helped Seokjin out of the car, one hand wrapping around the other's slim waist. "Whose party is this again?" Seokjin questioned, looking up at the beautiful large mansion in awe.

"A friend of mines, his name's Min Yoongi." Seokjin nodded, still looking around the house shell-shocked. The large garden was decorated in various lights and elegant tables were set out on the grass lawn, there was a stage in the middle of all the table, spotlight shining on a group of dancers performing for the group.

"That's a real big party...for what?" Seokjin questioned as his younger partner led him towards the tables, holding onto his hand.

"It's his boyfriend's birthday. He wanted to make it superior for him." Taehyung cackled, "Yoongi hyung's a bit too whipped for the man." Seokjin nodded in understanding, quietly taking a seat next to Taehyung as he looked around. Some waiters were passing around drinks, and some were taking orders. It was almost all bizzare, there was any time of food available, from pizza to fancy steak. There was even a gummy bear dispenser and a chocolate fountain, Seokjin deice d that the "boyfriend" Taehyung was talking about wasn't going to be as much as old as him.

While the two of them walked around and greeted people - well, Taehyung did, Seokjin just stood there with an awkward smile on his face. A pale man walked towards them, face set in a straight smile. Taehyung waved and smiled at the man. The man was bulky, but not tall, his raven hair was swept to the side and his frame wasn't even as tall as Seokjin or Taehyung, this man was tiny compared to him, "Hey Hyung." Taehyunt greeted, fist bumping him before engulfing each other in a hug  which the other man groaned and grumbled a "don't touch me"

"Jinnie hyung, this is Yoongi Hyung." Seokjin offered him a smile and the corner of Yoongi's lips tilt up, nodding in his direction.

"Nice finally meeting you, Seokjin." Yoongi blurted, eyeing a blushing Taehyung. "I've heard way too much about you." He said, still not much of a hint of amusement on his face. Seokjin nodded and huffed lightly, Yoongi guy looked like a grumpy cat. He let out an awkward laugh.

"Hyungie!!" A screeching sound came up from behind them, two scrawny arms wrapping themselves around Yoongi's shoulder. Seokjin looked up, trying to see who has interrupted them. Yoongi chuckled, Seokjin raised an eyebrow - this was the first time tonight seeing Yoongi actually shows amusement and interest in something.

"Yes baby?" Yoongi turned around, arms wrapping around the waist of a male that's even tinier than him. Seokjin looked down at the smaller male, smiling wide as he see the chubby cheeks and adorable eyes. Taehyung smiled as well, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's waist. "Jimin."

Jimin smiled ,waved at Taehyung, bowed at Seokjin and whispered something to Yoongi which had Yoongi rolling his eyes and pulling him away from the rest of the guests. Seokjin raised an eyebrow once again.

"That's normal." Taehyung muttered, pulling Seokjin back to their table so they could enjoy the dinner.

The rest of the night was spent with Taehyung introducing him to all his friends, and very proudly too.

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