Chapter Two

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SEOKJIN had 45 minutes of sleep for the whole night, since he didn't want to wake up to nightmares fucking him up in the head again. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with Taehyung sitting on the chair opposite from him, reading what it looked like, a journal. "I'm glad your awake, sleepy head." Taehyung muttered with a roll of his eyes. "Get up, I'm your assigned driver for today and you're kind of making me late of school."

Seokjin had a fair share of having encounters with assholes in his life before but is Taehyung even worth to be called an asshole? He's like, 300 % worse than every other asshole in the universe combined. Seokjin however, still nodded his head, throwing the covers off him as he sleepily made his way to the bathroom to wash his face. Looking closely, he had dark bags under his eyes and he let out an inaudible groan at that before wiping his face with a paper towel and getting out of the bathroom. He looked at Taehyung with a straight face, telling him in a way that he was ready to go.

The younger grabbed his bags before motioning to the door, grumbling under his breath about how his mother is an asshole for making him sent Seokjin out of all people home.

Seokjin glanced at Taehyung for a while before fixing his gaze out the window, to the trees whizzing past by in a daze and people getting up and doing whatever they does in the morning to get their day going. Seokjin leaned his head on the window, glancing at the surroundings that he hadn't had a chance to encounter since he was 13 years old. All these years being locked in his home and only taken out for school can really get to you. It's easy to get tired of seeing the same walls and scenery every day.

Thinking back to then, Seokjin was sure he liked it better when things were that way, when he was younger and when his father was not trying to sell him off to his long lost friend's son just because they're filthy rich. Sometimes Seokjin wished, and still do, that he was born in a different family, the one that actually cared about him and his wellbeing.

The cold wind collided through his hair strands the minute he got off Taehyung's car. He sighed as he watched the younger drove off without even much of a goodbye. It was like everything they had – whatever that was – last night was gone into thin air. He turned back on his heels as he stared at his house, he didn't want to walk inside it, to be greeted by his obviously disappointed father's face because he was sure he let him down again.

He took a deep breath as he walked towards the house, every step he takes feel like a ton of weight being attached to his legs to the point where it was hard to walk. When Jin managed to get to the front door, he slowly pushed open the door only to be greeted with his father's stern face. He gulped, looking down at his polished shoes, playing with the hem of his sweaters. "I –"

"It's about time." His father growled and Seokjin suddenly felt small under his stare, it was as if every ounce of courage he was ever born with left his body and he suddenly wished Taehyung was with him even though the younger boy basically hates his guts. Seokjin let his eyes fall to the ground, shriveling underneath the malevolently scary gaze of his father. "What was that about last night? Seokjin, is all you ever do disappoint?" His father spat and Seokjin flinched at the strong tone before closing his eyes and trapping the tears behind them.

The younger man still looked down at the floor, his hands shaking underneath the material of Taehyung's large sweaters. "I – I'm sorry f-father, it won't happen again." His chest tightened when his father let out a scoff before pulling him by his hair to the basement.

"You've done enough to let that happen again, faggot." Seokjin let out whimpers, the tears that once brimmed in his eyes falling out freely as he tried to pry his father's heavy hands off his hair, apologies spurring out of his mouth as well as weak wails.

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