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You wonder why people find you creepy, I can answer that. It's your habit of wearing the grin of the Cheshire Cat.- Andrew Smailes


"I haven't seen you around lately." Ashton says, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, I was at -"

"Wait, wait." Ashton says, raising his hand out to stop Michael from talking. "Do you hear that?"

Michael listens, and then starts to shake his head as Ashton opens his mouth again.

"It's the sound of me not giving a shit." Ashton laughs, walking off.

Michael stands there frowning. He's not sure why he bothered to come home. Ashton was a dick to him now, he didn't even want to be around him anymore. And if Michael was being honest, he wanted to be around Luke. Luke was nice after awhile, still creepy, but nice. He also made Michael feel wanted, and like he belonged somewhere. He's not sure how or why, but he does.


Luke sits on his bed, frowning and deep in thought. He was confused. He had been for awhile now. All his mind would think about was MichaelMichaelMichael.

Not his job anymore, Just Michael and his galaxy hair. Which looked really good -- what was he even saying? He wasn't allowed to have these thoughts. He wasn't supposed to be friendly with Michael either, but he was. He was breaking a law, but Luke couldn't find it in himself to care.

But he still had a job to do.

Luke knew things between him and Michael wouldn't -couldn't- last forever. He wasn't even sure if things could continue now. Michael still wasn't caving, Michael was still fine even if his mind was a little jumbled.

Luke needed to do something, he needed to make his move, and fast.


Michael was laying in bed, tapping his fingers against his leg as he listened to Fall Out Boy which was playing softly from his phone. He was thinking of Luke, and just Luke. His mind was constantly buzzing about Luke and it wouldn't go away and he wanted to see Luke. He wanted to be near Luke, and hear his voice and just feel his warmth.

The Phoenix was playing through his speakers and Michael couldn't help but sing along until the words and song cut off and and and

"Don't let it get you."

Michael jumps off his bed as his phone goes quiet. He's just staring at it, his eyes wide, and he's expecting something to happen again. The words are bouncing around his head and he's hoping he's only hearing things.

And then he hears faint laughter behind him, causing him to turn on his heel. He cracks his door, peeking out but he can only see his dark hallway.

"H-hello?" He calls out, opening his door wider as he sticks his head out. "Ashton?"

But Ashton went out that night. He went to a party, meaning Michael was home alone. Ashton usually stays out all night, so there was no way it was Ashton laughing.

Suddenly music blares from behind Michael, making him slam his door shut as he jumps back, pressing his back against his door as he stares at his phone.

"I'll check in tomorrow...if I don't wake up dead."

Michael relaxes, assuming it was only his phone glitching up and must have switched to something else before changing back. He makes his way back to his bed, ready to crawl in until

"Do you wanna play hide and seek?" And then a giggle. It sounded like a little girl, and Michael can't blame that voice on anything else unless Ashton left his TV on. And my God how Michael hopes it was only just the TV. But he doesn't want to go out and check. He doesn't want to leave his room.

Michael sits down, placing his head in his hands as he lets his ears soak in the music, hoping, praying, that it doesn't shut off again.

"I'll count while you hide." Giggle.

Michael squeezes his eyes shut, covering his face with his hands.


Michael licks his lips.


Michael bites his lip.


A whimper escapes Michael's lips.

"10...here I come, ready or not!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Noises sound around the house. Banging noises, pounding noises. Things that sound like a little kid running around trying to find someone. Things like someone trying to find someone. Things like someone trying to find someone. Things like someone trying to find someone.

Jumping off his bed, Michael runs to his closet. Closing the door behind him and leaning against it as he slides down. His heart beat is out of control, causing his breathing to increase and he's trying not to be loud. He places a hand over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as tears roll down his face. They're messing with him. They're playing games with him. They want to chase him, they want him to give in. Michael will hide, he will play their games, and Michael will probably give in because just sitting here makes Michael wish he were dead.


Michael wants to die. He's never wanted to escape reality until now. Michael has never wanted to kill himself until now. He can't even believe what he's thinking. Michael was so happy. What happened? What happened to the happy Michael? The Michael who had a future planned. The Michael was could smile and laugh without having to fake it. The Michael who had a best friend.

And now Michael's mind was dead. And he wishes he were too.

"I found youuu."


This was not planned, at all. I kind of just went with it. I hope it's okay.

The last part was kind of hard for me to write. If you were following me back in March you'll know why. If you weren't, I was in the hospital for a week for suicide/depression so yeah it was hard for me to write about it.

If anyone feels this way, the way Michael feels, please tell someone. Talk to someone. Talk to a friend, trusted adult, or me. Talking really helps, especially if you don't want to seek help but please.

UPDATE: I made a huge fucking mistake and I want to punch myself in the face fifty times. The previous text above said to seek help if you're really bad but no matter how bad you are, get help! Even if you are just starting to feel like this, get help. DO NOT WAIT. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what I said until now. My inbox is always open. I never turn anyone away.

I love every single one of you and you guys make me *eye heart emoji*

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