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Last time on The Unavoidable Future is Set

Walker glared at me."Capture that Halfa, at once!!" Walker shouted and it was hard to dodge all the guards and one managed to electrocute me, way to long, and I was forced to change back."What the hell was that...Phantom?" Agent M asked shocked. He went to touch me and when he did he was even more shocked."Human? How?!" He shouted."Wait what?!"

"You don't know what a halfa is?" Walker asked, his turn to almost laugh.

"He's half human half ghost."

The agents stare at me with shock."That's impossible." Agent T gasped."Oh and didn't you say all ghosts are evil." Walker said."Shut up, Walkie." I said as I grabbed the agents again and ran. The prison guards can't touch us since humans are the ghosts in the Ghost Zone.

I transformed after six attempts and jumped into the air right before a shot barely missed us. I created a shield around us and the blast sent us forward. When we bounced away from them and got away from them we landed on a island and we ducked and rolled. I landed on my feet though and immediatly the agents was pointing glaring at me.

"You mind putting those glares away." I said as I looked around for any more threats but found none so I quickly told the agents tgat if they want to come out alive then thy must trust me for just a few minutes.

And the Box Ghost just had to fly by."We must move, now!" I said and wrapped a ecto bubble around them jumping into the air."Why? It's just the Box Ghost." Agent H said."He gossips too much! If other ghosts find you agents in here then it is bye bye life hello death!" I said and a blast barely missed me again.

I looked behind me to see Walker's goons again."Oh, ghost balls!" I shouted and flew away with the agents close behind me. Suddenly I saw a chariot in the distance."Μητερα!" I shouted."Daniel! What are you thinking!" She shouted and pulled me in with the agents."Just what the fuck! Is that Pandora, from the Greek Mythology!" Agent J asked."The one and only!" I shouted as two of Pandora's gaurds quickly attacked the guards from Walker's jail, giving us time to escape."What are these agents doing in the Ghost Zone in the first place!" She shouted."Oh, that. Yeah, they want to sent sixteen year olds in here for a field trip." I simply said and the agents looked at me with shock."How'd you know!" Agent M shouted."I'm not stupid, you know." I said and the Fenton Portal came in view."Just pull up next to the portal, Μητερα." I said and the chariot slowed down and stopped next to the portal. The portal opened and I quickly let the agents in.

I stayed behind since I didn't need those agents to ambush me there and now."Aren't you going in too?" Pandora asked."And let them ambush me? No thanks." I said and I heard the agents inside dropping their  weapons.

I had a neutral face."Well, let's go to my place and patch you up." Pandora said and I relaxed."Okay, but I have to get back later to the human world." I said and we turned around."Daniel, how did your appearance change like that?" Pandora asked."That's a long story." I said.

"I have all eternity." Pandora said and I chuckled."Well, as you know my parents, friends and teacher died and I had to lice with Plasmius but I couldn't stand it and one day he tried to teach me a lesson but it didn't turn out that good. He tried to split my two halves but I ended up absorbing... Vlad's ghost half." I said.

"Good lord! How did you not lose your sanity!" She shouted."I think I did...Μητερα...help me." I said as I brought my knees up to my chest."Daniel, what have you done?" She asked."You'll hate me." I said. Why did I do these things? Why did I kill Paulina and Jason?"Daniel, you're like a son to me. No matter what, I will help you. You've been through enough."

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now