Sibling Rivalry

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"Y/n, who is the best looking dwarf in the company?"

You couldn't believe Kili was interrupting your attempt to nap with this worn out question.

"For the 50th time, I am not going to answer that."

"You don't have to be worried about hurting their feelings," Kili said, waving his hand at the rest of the company. "They already know it's me."

You heard a snort somewhere behind you that you assumed had to have come from Dwalin. It made you chuckle.

"If you are so confident, Kili, then why do you need to hear me say it?"

"It isn't for me. It is for Fili. He suffers from the delusion that he's the better looking brother, and I just want to help him see things clearly."

Ah sibling rivalry.

"If you don't answer me this time, I'm going to get Bombur to sit on you."

"Hah, I'd answer him, y/n." Bombur managed between bites of a sausage link. "That would kill you."

The only way you were going to get any peace was to tell Kili what he wanted to hear, but that didn't mean you couldn't have a tone of sarcasm as repayment for all the times he'd bugged you with this.

"You're stunning, Kili. Drop dead gorgeous. It's astonishing that you don't have to beat women off with a stick."

Apparently your sarcasm was lost on him though because he was grinning from ear to ear. "I told you, Fili! It feels good to look so...good."

You looked at him, shaking your head. He was going to be impossible to live with after this.

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