Say You Love Me

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Whaaat, didn't I just update like 2 days ago?! Well, guess what happened to me yesterday? Ed Sheeran did a book signing near where I live. AND I GOT TICKETS. Yeah guys, I MET ED SHEERAN. It was only for like 20 seconds and my picture came out terrible, but I MET ED and he signed my book. So I thought I would update early:)))

Video ^^ or >> is Say You Love Me by Jessie Ware and Ed Sheeran. It's an awesome song and I just wanted you all to hear it so, if you have time, check it out:)))

Ed's POV

Uncomfortably, I was sitting down in the middle of Carlos and Louise on the taxi drive home from the hospital. The atmosphere was tense. Louise couldn't stop shaking so I had to calm her down, this was way too much for her to handle. Carlos had finished his intense crying session at the hospital and was now asleep on my shoulder. We were currently driving to his hotel where we'd drop him off and then return to the apartment complex.

"You okay?" I quietly whispered to Louise.

"Hmm." She nodded her head slightly. "Do you think we should stay with him?" She nodded over to Carlos who was fast asleep.

"I think he'd want his space, but we should ask when we get there." I told her.

After 10 minutes of silence, the taxi finally pulled up at Carlos' hotel and a gently shook him.

"Carlos? We're here." My voice was quiet.

"O-okay." He mumbled.

I helped him out of the taxi and led him to the entrance to the hotel. His whole body shaking and his eyes were red and sore.

"I-I'm fine here. You go home." Carlos spoke hoarsely.

"You sure, I don't mind staying the night to make sure you're okay." I offered. Usually Carlos would reply with something like 'I'd love for you to stay the night, chico, but I don't think Louise would like it' or something along the lines of that. But, understandably, he just shook his head no.

After making sure Carlos was okay, Louise and I drove back to the apartment complex and paid the taxi driver. I helped her out of the taxi and held her hand protectively as we walked to the lift.

"Ed?" She whispered as the lift moved up.


"It's midnight." Her voice was barely audioble.


"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." I squeezed her hand.

Merry? Far from it.


Christmas didn't start exactly as I had wanted it to, but I was going to make sure that Louise had an amazing day. I wanted her to forget about what happened last night and forget that today was the day her parents died. I just wanted her to smile that beautiful smile of hers that I rarely saw nowadays.

"Lou?" I knocked softly on her door.

"Come in." She sounded tired.

I walked in with a tray to see Louise lying down in bed, safely underneath the covers.

"Got you some breakfast." I nodded towards the tray in my hands.

"Thank you." She yawned. "You're the best."

"I know I know." I waved it off.

"Lie with me?" She motioned to the space next to her on the bed.

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now