All Things Wrong

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Klaus laid in bed wondering about the what if's of Hayley and his relationship.
He just wanted to hold her and just to have her. He wanted them to be a family but the problem was, he was scared. He loved her didn't he? Why was he questioning the way his immortal heart would beat just a little harder at just the sight of her.

Hayley was finishing getting ready when all of the sudden Rebekah flashed into the room.
Hayley, obviously startled by the sudden appearance jumped back from her mirror in the bathroom of her room.
"Where were you last night?" Rebekah asked. 
"Uh I was sleeping in klaus' room, why?" Hayley retorted.

"You slept with him!" accuses Rebekah.
"No no I had a nightmare so I didn't want to be alone." Hayley responded quickly.

"Okay well at least he didn't try anything, - right?" asked Rebekah

"Yeah no he didn't.  He wouldn't do something like that. He's a good person deep down." Hayley responded.

Rebekah flashed out of the room leaving Hayley alone thankfully.
Hayley wanted to tell Klaus about his sisters strange question but the thought of it made her feel like she was a needy person for trying to get his attention.

"I guess I could just tell him that I love him." Hayley's mind added. 

But she couldn't. Unless she wanted to die of first hand humiliation and sadness. What she needed to do right now is to protect herself and her baby from all the wack-jobs in the French quarter.

Little Mikaelson ProdigyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora