All Things Right

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In the morning, Hayley was the first to wake up. As the sun peered through the curtains and onto her exposed face; she turned onto her other side to face Klaus who already awake and gazing upon her beauty.

She almost gasped at the sight of blue green eyes peering into her soul almost. She opened her mouth to say the words she's been wanting to say but. Something inside said no don't do this it'll ruin all that you have and he probably doesn't want you.

Klaus furrowed his brows at Hayley in confusion and concern. He almost thought that she was still sleeping or something. Until she said "Good Morning" he almost literally chuckled out loud at the  nonchalance in her tone.

"Good morning indeed, love." "Did you sleep well in my arms?"
Hayley laughed nervously before responding. "Yes I did thank you for lending them for a night."
"I'm here anytime love just for you." Klaus remarked flirtatiously as Hayley made her way out of the bedroom.
She almost giggled on the way into her room; she had a smile so big on her face. She had to hide it from Elijah as he stepped out of his bedroom down the hall from her room. She felt immensely exhilarated with joy.

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