That Night

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Hayley sat in her bed looking through the window at the meadow below. And as she sat there thinking about her and Klaus' future she felt the baby kick. She almost ran into Klaus room to tell him and when she got there     she saw him laying there asleep peacefully.

She wanted so badly to lay with him and so she did.  She got up onto his bed and laid down and after awhile she found herself drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
The night was peaceful and silent as  she slept curled up into his arms.

And as soon as he realized it was her and it wasn't a dream. Klaus pulled her closer to him as if to show her he wanted her just as much as he did on their first night together. And that feeling alone haunted him. He wanted her. She wanted him. Now if only they knew how to tell each other.

(Short but pure fluff)

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