The New Orleans Witches

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The witches in mystic falls could basically do any magic when they wanted too.

But when Klaus met up with Marcellus he was introduced to a "different" rule held by the (as Marcel put it) the king of New Orleans

"You have got to be joking?! How did you even possibly get the witches to agree to that?" said Klaus

"Well let's just say Mercy is for the weak. And you taught me that." Marcel responded.

.........back at the plantation.

"So since I'm on babysitting duty today.  I guess I have to be nice to you". Rebekah remarked sarcastically.

"Yeah. I guess you do." Said Hayley in a worried tone.

"Why so sad?" Rebekah said actually concerned.

"I'm pregnant at 20 with an over thousand year old vampire sociopaths child. To be honest I'm not sad about the pregnancy even though it scared the living daylights out of me when the witches told me. I'm sad because of Klaus.... I know he'll be a great father. But I don't want my kid to not have parents that aren't together." Hayley responded

" wait you have feelings for my brother. Are you feeling okay, love?" Rebekah said with sarcasm and a little bit of care.

( I am skipping the whole Jane Anne Deveraux Killing)
(I'm back. After mourning the best characters ever I'm back and going to be writing as best I can for y'all )

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