Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

At lunch, my usual seat has been taken by Lia, because she wants to sit next to Kyle. Because of that, it leaves me sitting in between Van and Dex. Michael's sitting next to Nathan on the other side of the table and Mitch is on the other side of Van. Kyle's across from me, and Lia's across from Van.

It's strange how easily Van and the rest of the guys forgave Michael for sleeping with Kendall. I still think that Kendall's a bitch and Michael's still a prick. Granted, he apologized to Van for it, I still don't think that Van should've forgiven him. If he couldn't forgive Kendall, then he should NOT forgive Michael. Van told me that he forgave Michael because he doesn't want a stupid thing, like a girl, to come between their friendship. I mean, out of all of our friends, Michael was his closest guy-friend.

I used to think that Van was more of a jerk than Michael, but I was wrong. Michael and I used to have a little bit of a thing, we kissed a couple of times, nothing serious. I was seriously thinking about 'going there', but Van talked me out of it. He said that dating in the group is forbidden, well, not really like that but he told me he thought it was a bad idea. I listened to him and stopped fooling around with Michael. Michael's cute, really cute, but he's way different since everything that's happened. Michael has dark brown hair, like mine, maybe a little lighter. And he has hazel colored eyes, a descent tan and a great smile.

There's still no denying that Van is without a doubt even better. He has dark blonde hair that's flops perfectly in place above his electric green eyes. Those are the things that get me into trouble, those eyes, his muscles, his smile, perfectly plump lips that are just asking— NO, Abby, stop.

Even if Van is really attractive, I don't think anybody could out-cute Kyle. He is the most adorable guy that I've ever seen in my life. He has dimples when he smiles and they make your heart melt like butter on a frying pan. And I mean that in a total friend way, Kyle's not my type at all, he's sweet, a flower-sender, and is cautious about what, and what not to say around girls. I like a guy that says what's on him mind, just like me.

Dex, is my favorite after Kyle. He's one of those awkward people, you know the person that could make you laugh just by saying something totally out there. Half of what he talks abut is always irrelevant to every conversation. He's the excuse of a good laugh. He get's a lot of girls mainly because a lot of girls are starting to get into that whole nerdy and awkward 'Michael Cera' look. Which Dex totally has going for him.

Mitch, Nathan, and Dex are always together, there isn't a time when they aren't hanging out.

Van and Kyle are my closest. But lately, I've purposely been trying to cut the strings between Van and I. Not even cut, more like trim, yeah, you know, just loosen them up a bit. Van and I have gotten close, too close, to losing our friendship. That can't happen again. I won't let it. I care about Van too much to not have him in my life at all, I'll take what I can.

I pull out a hot pink Post-It that I wrote a reply on earlier and stick it to his tray.

It's funny how one action can contain so much guilt.

That's all I put on it.

Van smiles at me. "Do you want to help me finish these off?" he asks, gesturing towards his small package of Oreos.

I smile back. "Do you really have to ask?"

Just like that, things go back to normal between us. I know that this is his way of saying 'let's not fight about it'. Van's a man of many words, he just shows them better than he can say him.

At the end of the day, I get to my car and the first thing I notice is that Van parked right next to my car. The second thing I notice is that his passenger door is like four inches away from my drivers door. How the hell am I supposed to get in my car? That asshole!

It's Like Love, But On a Post-It. (Undergoing Severe Plastic Surgery )Where stories live. Discover now