Chapter 26

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Willam:  Sharon where the fuck is Justin?

Willam:  Please

Willam:  Don't make me beg

Willam:  We're all so worried

You:  She's at the hospital

Willam:  What why?

You:  She was found in a bar after taking an overdose

You:  The voices were telling her to do it

Willam:  How do you know this?

You:  The nurse said when I visited

Willam:  What gives you the right to visit after what you did?

You:  Justin actually asked the nurse to call me

Willam:  Bullshit

You:  It's the truth and I promised to visit again today

Willam:  Anyway which hospital?

You:  St George's

Willam:  I can't believe she wanted you there

A few hours later I found myself at the hospital once again; walking towards Justin's room. "He seems to have quite a few visitors today." The nurse from yesterday said. 

"Really who else is here?"

"Two girls called Willam and Courtney are here now and his sister was here earlier." She smiled, gathered up some folders and walked off. I braced myself and walked into the room. "Get out you dickhead." Willam said as she stood up from her chair and folded her arms. 

"Shut up Willam, I want him here." Justin scooted over and patted the bed next to him. I sat down and placed my arm around his shoulders causing him to rest his head on my shoulder. "I can't deal with this, I'm getting a drink." 

"I'll come with you." Courtney took Willam's hand and they swiftly left the room. A new nurse bustled into the room. "Ah Justin I have some good news."


"You can go home as long as you have someone to look after you and is making sure you are eating. Your blood results came back clear."

"I can go home?"

"Yes we will sort up a follow up plan for you to talk to someone to help you with these voices."

"But i'm meant to be at boarding school." 

"I'm sure Ru won't mind Lasky, he'll understand."

"But that means i'll have to move back in with my parents and I don't want them knowing." Justin started to cry. 

"We can contact your head teacher and get you signed off from school until you're ready, what's the name?"

"RuPaul Charles." I said whilst Justin cried into my chest.

"I will go and contact him whilst you have a think about what you want to do." 

"What am I going to do?"

"You can move in with me?"

"Will Chad mind?"

"He doesn't live with me but he doesn't have to know." 

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, I want to make sure you get better baby, I told you I'd help."

"I'm not your baby."

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