Chapter 22

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The days passed by quickly and soon enough it was Sunday. "I can't believe we've got to go back to school tomorrow." Willam sighed. 

"One of you two can drive back seeing as I drove here."

"Not me."

"So I've got to drive?" Willam moaned. I chuckled at them bickering and turned on the TV. 

"You're lucky Noodles, you don't have to go to school anymore." 

"Yup totally, parties every night." I said as I rolled my eyes. 

"Can we have a movie night?" Courtney asked as she finished painting her nails. I shrugged my shoulders, "it's up to you bitches." 

"I'm in."

"Me too."

"I'll go and get some popcorn and drinks whilst you guys pick a film." I pecked Justin on the lips, slipped on my shoes and climbed into my car. 



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You:  Aww my babies, kiss her forehead for me x

Willam:  Fuck no bitch 

You:  I'm just leaving Target x

Willam:  KK x

I pulled up outside the house, Willam and Courtney were piling their bags into the trunk and Alaska sat in the car with her arms crossed. I grabbed the carrier bag from beside me and my keys then climbed out. Willam and Courtney were just about to get in the car. "What are you doing?" 

"You're a fucking dick." They slammed the car doors and drove off. I entered the house and slumped down on the couch. 

You:  Wtf just happened?

My World:  Fuck off 

My World:  We're done

You:  What? why?

My World:  Piss off you dickhead, like you don't know

You:  I really don't 

My World:  Explain this then

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