Chapter 13

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(Trigger warning: Mentions of self-harm)

You:  What's up?

Willam:  Justin isn't in a good way and I don't know what to do it's scary

You:  What's wrong with her?

Willam:  She's been hurting herself

You:  Have you told anyone!?

Willam:  Ru knows and has been getting her help but it's got way worse

Willam:  Will you come and help me?

Willam:  Please?

You:  What dorm?

Willam:  2 please hurry she's locked herself in the bathroom


I found myself outside dorm two. I knocked on the door and a pretty guy opened it with tear stains on his cheeks. "I didn't know what to do." I pulled him into a hug and he cried onto my shoulder. "It's okay i'm here now." 

"Please help her, she might listen to you."

"Where is she?"

Willam let go of me and wiped her eyes before closing the dormitory door. "She's in there." I gave her another quick hug before gently knocking on the bathroom door. "Lasky? It's Sharon, can I come in?"

"Go away."

"Will you carry on talking to me if I stay out here?" There was no answer. "Lasky, I've missed talking to you so much. "

"You'll hate me."

"I don't hate you and I never will, it was wrong of me to be so harsh to you when we started talking."

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying I promise."

"They're telling me not to trust you, that you're lying."

"Who is telling you?"

"The voices."

"Are you sure I can't  come in?"

"No I don't want anyone to see me."

"Why not? You're gorgeous baby."

"No i'm not, i'm horrible stop lying to me."

"You can trust me."

"How can I? You keep lying to me."

"I'm not lying to you I promise, I also promise i'll look after you forever and ever."

We heard the door unlock. "Only you can come in." I looked at Willam and she nodded at me. I pushed open the door and slipped inside. Justin locked the door and sat down on the closed toilet seat. On the counter sat a pill pot a few of the pills were scattered on the counter. "You haven't taken any have you?" 

"Not yet." I gathered up the loose pills and picked up the pot. 

"Move." I pushed Justin out the way and emptied them down the toilet. 


"Making sure you don't hurt yourself anymore." 

"Why? I'm worthless."

"No you're not Lasky, I love you and I don't want to see you hurt yourself."

"I thought you didn't like me."

"You might have grown on me." 

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course." I pulled Justin into a hug and rubbed my hands up and down him arms. My fingers brushed over multiple scars and cuts. "Is this where, you know, you've been hurting yourself?"

"Please don't look, they're ugly like me." Justin started sobbing into my chest.

"You're not ugly sweetheart, every part of you is beautiful."

"I don't want to do this anymore."

"I know you don't."

"Help me make it stop."

"If you ever feel like this again come to me okay?"

"But we're strangers."

"That's my line." I chuckled.

"But you were right, we are strangers."

"We we're not anymore okay." I softly pressed a kiss on the top of his head.

"You promise you'll look after me?"

"I promise, do you want to stay in my dorm tonight?"

"Won't the other queens mind?"

"I've got my own room, i'm a prefect."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


"Are you ready to go out there then?"

"You'll come with me?"

"Of course, i'll be holding your hand the whole time." Justin smiled at me and gripped my hand tightly. I unlocked the door and we stepped out to face Willam and Ru. "You didn't say Ru was here?" Justin whispered to me.

"I didn't know baby."

"Alaska it has come to light you haven't been coping very well would you like to go home?"

"Please, I don't want to go home, i'll get better!"

"You can't just get better my dear."

"Sharon tell them, you said you'd look after me." Justin was starting to cry and freak out again. 

I rubbed his hand with my thumb, "Ru if I can get signed off of lessons, i'll look after her." 

"That's a big responsibility my dear." 

"I promised her i'd look after her and be there for her."

"Okay my love we will have Alaska's stuff taken to your dorm, come to me this time if it gets any worse. I want you to promise me you'll allow me to seek proper medical help for you though Alaska as well as your weekly therapy sessions."

"I promise." Ru kissed us all on our cheeks and then left to find some medical help. 

"Justin are you okay?" Willam stepped forwards to hug Justin.

Justin stepped backwards "I'm sorry Willam."

"It's okay." 

"Can we go Sharon?"

"Course." I mouthed sorry to Willam then took Justin to my own room. 

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