Chapter 20

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You:  Where abouts are you?

My World:  About half an hour away x

You:  Good I have time to groom Cerrone

My World:  Who tf is Cerrone?

You:  You will have to wait and see :)

My World:  Courtney is moaning about my music so i'm gonna go, see you in a bit xxx

You:  See you in a bit xxx


Chad:  Lets get drunk

You:  No can do

You:  I'm busy

Chad: What! Don't let me down! You're always up for a drink!

You:  Justin is coming to stay for a week

Chad:  Oh the girlfriend with a penis

Chad:  What about the other night?

Chad:  And the week before?

You:  No one can find out

You:  Alright?

You:  Chad promise me

Chad:  Alright I promise that no one will find out from me


There was a knock on the door. I jumped up off of my bed and raced downstairs. I flung open the door and Alaska jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. "I've missed you so much Noodles."

"I've missed you too baby."

Willam walked over, "This is all very touching but can you stop being a soppy couple for a minute?"

"I didn't know you two were coming too." I said as I put down Alaska.

"Hope you don't mind."

"Well you'll have to sleep on the couch but why?"

"Courtney wanted to come, she said she missed you."

"I mean who wouldn't miss me? I'm a legend."

"An old legend."

"Bitch I ain't old."

"You keep telling yourself that." Alaska moved aside so Willam could hug me. 

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