Chapter Eight: Blood Witch

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"So your father's ghost left the summoning spell inside the book?"

Evander had been looking at me like I had gone mad ever since I had told him about how, and why, I had summoned him. We had moved from the table as another couple took the one beside us, and now walked slowly around the circumference of the park.

"Yes, and then after nothing happened, I went to sleep and dreamed that you walked out of a cave. You had red eyes, and fangs. What was that about anyway?"

He looked away. Worry etched lines into his face, and he glanced at me with a sigh.

"You must have a powerful bloodline. You seem to be some type of seer along with the incredible power you welded to summon me. It takes the strongest of your kind to be able to summon someone like me."

I knew he was ignoring my question and trying to steer the conversation to something else, but it had worked. At least for the moment.

"Wait, what do you mean my kind? And bloodline?"

"Well, you are a witch aren't you? You've told me so yourself." He grabbed a fallen leaf from the grass and began picking it apart, piece by piece.

"Yeah, I'm Wiccan. It's just my faith. I'm still human, and no one has ever mentioned anything about bloodlines to me."

He plucked off another chunk of the leaf.

"Have you had any other witches in your family tree? Other than your immediate family, of course."

I thought about my answer for a moment. Could I be some kind of special type of witch? Was that one of the things my father had kept so guarded from me in the past? I remembered the book I had found in my father's study, which dated back to the eighteen-hundreds. Do other Wiccan's have a family tree of witches, or was I the only one?

"My father never told us about his family. He and my mother had met while she was working in some hippie boutique back in the eighties. Once when I asked my father about his parents, he had told me that he had no living family. But.. I found a book in his study that was over a hundred years old. It belonged to my great-great grandfather, I think."

Evander nodded in understanding.

"It's a shame I know more about your power than you know yourself. You are a blood witch, your father probably just never got the chance to tell you. With practice, you can hone your powers and do remarkable things."

My thoughts ran over all the odd things that had happened to me in my lifetime, all while performing magick. I had always been able to feel true power flow through me when I had cast circles, and now I know why.

If I was a blood witch, that meant my brother must be one as well! He had been able to instantly know what herbs were good for which spells, even without reading about them first, and always had been able to salvage a plant on the brink of death to fully recovered overnight.

I was seeing everything with perfect clarity, but it was still so much to process. Everything I had been told by my father was only half of the truth. What else had he been hiding?

"Tell me more about you." I demanded, as I walked a few feet into the field and plopped down on the lush grass.

Evander trailed just a step behind me and sat cross legged, facing me.

"Well, I can use a bit of compulsion, but I'm not very good at it. Oh, and I can talk to the earth. That's one of my favorite abilities, although I've never tried it here."

"What does talking to the earth mean? Like, you can carry on a conversation with the dirt?" I asked, brows raised.

He tossed back his head and laughed at me again.

"No, it's nothing like that. It's like... I can coax her into showing me her secrets. It's almost like time travel, but you don't actually go anywhere. You just watch the earth replay it's history in that specific spot." He paused to look around. "No one can see us right here, do you want to try it now?" He asked.

Was he serious? One look at his face told me that he was.

"As long as it doesn't zap all your energy, like before." I replied.

"No, it doesn't take much from me. All I have to do is prod the earth a bit with my mind, and tell her what time I want to see. She will do all the legwork."

Before I could respond, Evander closed his eyes and sank his palms into the grass. His face blanked, and he seemed deep in concentration.

I had the opportunity to fully examine his features now. His skin was pale and flawless, no freckles to be found, and his lashes were dark and full as they rested against his face. His hair hung loose and framed his eyes, and it shimmered with a blue tint as if it had been dyed, but I knew it was probably natural.

As I was examining him he opened his eyes, and his strong gaze bore into mine for a few seconds longer than it should have before he glanced behind me.

I turned to look at the spectacle that surrounded me. It only lasted roughly thirty seconds, I'm assuming because he didn't want us to be caught, but it was real. We were standing close to two feet away, the same place we had stood about two minutes ago, except it wasn't us. It was the us from before, almost like a hologram. And then we were gone, and the world was back in its place again.

I glanced back at Evander and smiled. His face was lit with happiness, and it was almost contagious. My smile grew, and I scooted closer to Evander. I didn't know why, but there was something oddly comforting about being around him. It was as if I had known him longer than just a day. He placed his hand over mine.

My Goddess, were we flirting?

"So, what's the catch? You cannot be all cool and magickal, and not have a dark side."

I meant it as a joke, but the look I received told me that there really was a catch to him after all.

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