Chapter Twenty-three: Progress

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Over the course of the next two weeks, I studied and practiced spells nonstop. The fear Kane had sent brought new kindling to the flames burning inside of me. I was going to find out what happened to my father, and I would not be intimidated. If I had power within me, I would use it to fight. I would never be helpless again.

I spent hour's each day practicing, most of the time with Evander present. He would watch me and help me balance my power. Even with a lack of magick, Evander was able to guide me as well as any tutor could. His power's linked with our connection allowed him to feel the same thing I felt within me.

I had learned all the self protection skills I needed, along with a few tricks to use on the fly. I could push any protection spell outside of my body, sending it into another person. I discovered this trick while practicing two days ago with Evander, when I inadvertently caused him to levitate.

After feeling comfortable enough with my strength, it was time to learn offensive moves. After this, it would be time to go.

I was nervous as hell to go through with this now, but I had too. It was no longer just about my father's murder, this was about me and Evander too. This coven was behind it all, and I was going to uncover their secrets one way or another.

I was now sitting crisscrossed in front Evander. We sat in the exact same way as the first time, when we had kissed. I pushed such thoughts from my mind, trying not to waver my concentration.

As I found my energy and focused it, I opened my eyes and locked with Evander's. This spell was a bit different. It was the only one I felt comfortable trying on him, and for something like this, it had to be tested.

It was supposed to be quick and effective, and even though I was unsure if Evander was truly ready for this, I spoke the words.

"Lishtenins Ovinr"

Evander flattened to the ground, and I was glad we hadn't lit any candles this time around. His sizeable body sprawled over most of the carpeting in the small room. His face was relaxed, but my urge to drop the spell was tortuous. We had agreed to test the spell for five minutes, just to be sure I could hold it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

I wasn't sure if he would be able to answer me. His face looked pulled towards the ground, like gravity was pushing down on him. He was paralyzed.

I sat beside him, and for three more minutes I caressed his hair. I was beginning to get to impatient, and I was nervous to make sure that the effects weren't permanent, so after the four minute mark I pulled the energy back. It rested back inside of me again, dormant.

"That was terrifying." Evander said, sitting up with his arms.

He was as frightened as he sounded. His face was even paler than normal, and he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

"I'm sorry." I looked down at my hands. I never wanted to use him as my guinea pig . I had wanted to go find Timmy Ray, the schools biggest bully, but Evander forbid it. Compassion could be his biggest weakness sometime.

In the last two weeks, we had grown closer. Our bond grew, and as it did, the heaviness of the make out sessions between us did as well. Although we were inseparable, we paced ourselves when it came to our sexual energies. We took our time, and in the last fourteen days, not a single garment of clothing had came off.

But, I felt my frustration growing as well. I wanted him, my body wanted him. I was just too nervous to be the first one to make the move.

"You did a great job." Evander said, grabbing my face and forcing our eyes to meet. Those blue-gray eyes kept me up at night.

"Do you think it's almost time?"

"Yes. I think it is." he replied.

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