Chapter Thirty: The Prophecy

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The next events happened quickly. I was stuck in place the same way I had been during my vision; my feet were glued to the ground and my arms hung limply at my sides. Kane bound Evander in a thin chain of silver, and he let out a howl in pain. I screamed for Kane to stop, begged him to let Evander go, but he simply pretended I was not there.

After he was done binding Evander, he sat across from both of us on the ground. He wasn't dressed in his traditional black robe, but instead he wore khaki shorts and a button down t-shirt. He looked to be in his mid thirties, but the resemblance between him and my father was uncanny.

He smiled then, but there was no happiness in his expression. Only pain and darkness, and evil was etched into every line on his face.

"It's so nice to finally meet you in person, Brenna! When the coven told me to retrieve you, I was joyed beyond measure."

His eyes showed nothing but blackness. He was the most evil person I had ever laid my eyes on, and I watched serial killer documentaries more than a few times.

I snuck a glance at Evander, and he wasn't doing so great. He writhed inside the chains, and his skin was red all over from where the chains had brushed against his flesh. I sent him a look of encouragement, and then turned back to Kane.

"Please let Evander go. You can do whatever you want with me."

I was trying to harness my magick, but it was slippery in my panicked state.

Kane threw back his head and laughed.

"We already have! The child within your womb is what we want from you. And as soon as it's weaned from your tit you'll hand it over to us-- willingly." He said, still chuckling.

My knee's would have buckled if they could. My body had frozen solid, and a gasp escaped my lips.

"Why do you think I'm pregnant!?" I asked in shock, the same time Evander said, "You will not harm them!"

I glanced at him in shock, but he was staring straight ahead at Kane with a look of pure hatred. I looked back to Kane, and he was still smiling at me.

"There was a prophecy spoken by our coven's High Priest thirty years ago, after he was visited by the Horned One. This foretelling told of a child. The child was to be born of dual magick, bringing a new type of power into the world." He smiled at me.

"I'm not pregnant! There is no way it could happen that fast!" I yelled, causing Kane to flinch.

He glared back at me.

"You are with child! My magick does not lie!" After he spat the words at me he sent a ball of darkness at Evander, causing him to scream in pain. He was getting ready to send another sphere his way when I called back, trying to distract him.

"Why did I have to be the one? Why Evander?" I pleaded.

Kane released the darkness and a sadistic smile lit his face again. He relaxed and continued speaking, as if he had never lost his temper.

"Your father was a great seer, and years before you were ever born he had visions of you and your brother. I read his Book of Shadow's and shared the news with the coven, and that's when we decided you would be our mother. Your father didn't take the news well." He scorned.

I still couldn't comprehend a lot of what he said, but my main course of action was to keep him talking. My magick was being awakened with every word he spoke as my hatred rose. I would not let him bully me any longer. I could feel the invisible binds loosen around my legs as my power pulsed, but I concealed my small victory.

"And Evander?" I asked.

"Oh, the boy. His father helped us create the spell that bound him to you in exchanged for a cure to an illness. Such a pity it didn't work." He smiled at Evander, but Evander's face was blank. If he could feel me trying to gain control of my power, I couldn't tell it.

"It was the perfect blind date. Look at you both now!" Kane continued.

"Are there no other babies for you to steal?" I spat.

My bonds were freed. I was almost ready to make my move.

"No other being of his kind has ever mated outside of their own. The one's that are allowed to leave Lambionia fear our kind. We've never coexisted before. But now... we will." He smiled.

He took a step forward.

"Why did you kill my father." I whispered to him.

Another step forward.

"He was trying to hide you. We needed him gone once we found another way to reach you."

Just one more step you bastard.

"The Book?" I asked.

"The Book."

He smiled and took the last step forward. As he did I let my power fully envelop me. My body was propelled in the air, and I hovered over Kane as I spat the spell at him.

"Lishtenins Ovinr"

Kane dropped to the ground, his skin flattened to the earth. I focused every ounce of my energy towards him, and I felt him struggle against my bonds. He was caught off guard, and I finally smiled down to him.

"My father was right. Our Goddess has blessed us, and you will all burn." I whispered down to him. I don't know why I chose those specific words, but I could sense the truth radiating through them.

I slowly walked backwards to Evander and unwrapped his chains, not taking my gaze from away from Kane in fear that he would slither away.

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