Chapter Thirteen: The Coven of the Illuminated

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I paced the room as Evander sat on the couch, examining the pages of the book.

"Have you found anything yet?" I asked, still fighting to keep my feelings in check.

After my explosion of pent up stress earlier, I let anxiety overtake my emotions. The book of shadows was yet another reminder that my life had taken an unexpected turn, and I was knee deep in the fear of what was yet to come.

"Nothing but spells. I'm no mage, but these don't exactly look like the normal protect and harmony type of spells you'd see in another witches book. These are laced with dark magic." He said, flipping past another page.

"Look for anything that looks similar to a journal entry." I said, finally slowing my pace and slumping back down beside him on the couch.

The pages of the book looked warn and well used, and I wondered again how it became in the possession of my father. Hand written spells littered the page, some I recognized and others I didn't.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, studying the page Evander had just turned to. It was written in a different hand writing, but it was no doubt the same. My stomach turned.

"This is the summoning spell I preformed to call you." I said, still studying the page.

It was inscribed with runes and sigils I had never seen before, along with an illustration of a young child with fangs and dark hair.

"Is this supposed to be you?" I asked, pointing to the drawing.

Evander's face had gone pale, and he pointed to a section of the page that I couldn't read. It was the same language I had spoken during the ritual preformed days earlier.

"This is our old language, but it's a written agreement.. It's a contract." He sat the book down and looked up to meet my gaze. "It's signed by my father." he said, pointing down to the strange lettering.

"But that doesn't make any sense. Did you're father sell your name to this coven?" I asked.

He glanced back down at the words, reading them to me out loud.

"I hereby acknowledge and agree to the contract below, stating my first and only born son may be bound to your kind for the greater picture of a whole species unity. He will be the father of a new nation, and together we shall manifest the new world order.

Signed and Bled,

Shamieon Grey."

He showed me the page again, and beside the signature of his father was a dark red fingerprint. Marked and bound by blood, i thought to myself.

"I don't believe my father would have let me do this to you, he was a good man!" I sat back on the couch and crossed my arms. Could a man so great and pure give away another man's life, for reason's still unclear? Evander was helping me uncover this mystery, sure, but could I not have done done this on my own? I shook my head, confused by all of it.

"Maybe your father didn't know any better, but my father did. He sold me away. This was signed in 1998, I wasn't even a year old yet." He crossed his arms as well.

We both sat there in contemplation, the book sitting in between us.

The mood was sour, and I felt like maybe I was to blame for it all. I had been the one to do that stupid spell, and I was the one who bound him to me for life.

"Are you upset that I'm the one who cast the spell?" I asked nervously, staring down at my nails.

I could hear Evander sigh, and he scooted closer beside me, tossing the book down on the coffee table in front of us in the same motion. I could feel his breath on my cheek as he leaned his head against mine.

"I guess there are worse witches out there to be stuck with for eternity." He finally replied, but I could hear the smile in his voice. We sat that way for a long while, side by side, when I finally glanced up to the clock on the wall, spoiling whatever kind of moment we were just having.

"It's already ten-fifteen! I should probably drive you back to your hotel room now." I said, rushing off of the couch.

Evander nodded as he stood up, and grabbed the book from the table where it had been abandoned earlier.

"Do you mind if I keep this for now? I could probably read through more of it than you could, seeing as you have school tomorrow."

"Sure." I said, not bothered at all that he would be taking the book with him. In my opinion, that book was better as far away from me as possible. The magick that radiated from it's pages were unsettling.

Later that night, after I had finally settled into my bed, I remembered that I had never asked Evander how his father had died.

Another time, I thought, as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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