Chapter Nineteen: Third Time's a Charm

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It was probably around midnight, and I still hadn't managed to get it right. I had tried twice already, but each time I was about to speak the incantation, my magick would dissipate.

The spell I was practicing was supposed to be relatively easy. I didn't even have to cast a circle or use special herbs. All I had to do was focus, bring the magick into me, and repeat the strange words.

The spell was a protection spell, but it was unlike any other I had seen before in my father's books. It's intentions were to make me untouchable by my enemies, causing them pain if they tried. I didn't have anyone to test it on, if I even managed to make it work, but I hoped that I would somehow feel the difference.

My room was dark, with a few candles lit to give me enough light to read the book in front of me. Everyone else had gone to bed hours ago, but I was determined to learn at least one spell by the night's end. I looked down at the book, reading over the words another time to be sure I was saying them correctly.

Closing my eyes, I focused on clearing my mind as I had done so many times before. As my mind became still, I tried to lure out the power I held within. Moments went by, and then the purple haze began to fill me. It started at my midsection, then slowly spread through the rest of my body.

I searched deeper, trying to find the white light of power hiding inside me. As I approached it, I slowed my pace. I would not run towards it as I had before. This time, I tried to ground myself to the power. Hoping that when I reached the end of the tunnel, I could hold on to it like a tight rope.

As the power enveloped me, I opened my eyes. Not focusing on anything other than seizing the power within me, I spoke the words that I had memorized.

"Nei einn mestouchr

At sem er mik"

I felt my body shake, but I wasn't focused on anything inside the room. I was deep inside of myself, barely able to maintain a thought other than to repeat the words again.

"Nei einn mestouchr

At sem er mik"

My skin began to tingle, like the sensation you would get after laying out in the sun for far too long. I felt my body convulse again, but I had to push on. I only had to say the chant one last time, and the spell would be complete.

"Nei einn mestouchr

At sem er mik"

Finally, it was done. I felt goosebumps all over my body, and slowly looked down at myself. I had to contain my screams when I realized I was floating a foot above the ground, and my skin looked like it was glowing yellow.

I quickly unlocked my legs, throwing my feet down on the ground for balance. I couldn't stop looking at my arms. Panic crashed through me, causing me to debate waking my brother up for help, but it quickly receded once my skin began to fade back to it's normal shade of milky white.

I sighed, blew out all the candles in the room, and climbed into my bed. My heart was still pounding, but I couldn't contain my smile. I was proud of myself.

I let myself wonder about how my dad would have felt, seeing me levitated off the ground like some type of stage magician. How had he looked doing the same spell? How would my brother look, when I finally told him he could wield true power.

I wanted so badly to run downstairs and shake him awake. He had a right to know about this, about everything that had happened. But then he would know about Evander, about the coven, and about our father's betrayal. I couldn't let him in on things just yet, not until I found out more. I couldn't risk my brother blowing my whole secret operation, now could I?

I closed my eyes, still feeling the effects of the power I had just summoned, and forced my mind into sleep.

As I drifted deeper, I dreamed.

I was flying above a forest, which was only illuminated by the moon above, when I saw the large fire.

It was a bonfire, with people in dark cloaks surrounding it, hands joined. I floated closer to them to get a better view, and that's when I began hearing their chants. They grew louder and more rushed, and I began seeing a dark smog coming from their circle. It was so thick that I couldn't see the people down below, and when it finally absolved there was only one man left standing in the clearing.

He was looking up at me, and smiled. I almost collided with a tree. It was my father! I dropped closer, but as I did so I began to notice the differences. This man's hair was curly like my father's, but it was sandy brown. His eyes weren't green like my fathers or my own, they were black.

"I see you have found us, little mouse." He called up to me.

"Who are you?" I yelled.

"We are waiting for you to find out." He said. His expression grew dark, and he threw his hand forward, knocking me up into the sky.

I screamed, but nothing I did helped me gain control over my movements. I thought I was going to be launched into space, and just when I closed my eyes and began sobbing, I sat up in bed.

I was covered in sweat and tears, with the blankets wrapped around me like a body bag. I through back my covers and glanced at the clock.

It was three A.M., only two hours had passed. I closed my eyes again, trying to steady my heart. Soon, sleep took hold of me once more, and the dream didn't return.

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