Chapter Six: Evander

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I looked at this stranger in shock. What?! I had summoned him? But how could I have summoned a person, and most importantly, how did he know I had summoned him. Maybe this was supposed to be some kind of weird pick up line, or maybe it was just another coincidence.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him with both brows raised.

He stilled himself, studied me for a moment, and then sighed in defeat as he slouched further in his chair with a tired look. His face was flawless, and his eyes grew darker as he spoke his next words.

"You summoned me last night. I just want to know what you want so I can be on my way. It's all very simple."

I couldn't do anything but stare. He was the man from my dreams. It wasn't imaginary, it was all real. I had summoned some kind of demon and now he was probably going to kill me. I looked for any signs of the fangs I had seen in my dream, but didn't see any.

I crept to the edge of my seat, hoping I could make a run for the only exit if I needed too. But this was a populated and public place, surely he wouldn't try anything here.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but even if I had done a summoning spell, they don't work like that. I couldn't have just pulled you from wherever you came from here. That's crazy. So maybe you could be a little more descriptive and tell me what's going on!" I said, my voice growing louder as I continued. I took a quick glance around and receded back to a whisper.

"And I dreamed of you. Could you explain that?"

This time he gave me the incredulous look. A slow smile spread across his face.

"Oh, you were having dreams about me, huh? The humans of the years past used to call us Incubus, maybe that's why." He winked.

"Um, no. Ew. It was not in the slightest bit romantic. You had red eyes, and fangs!" I exclaimed.

This was not happening. I was having a conversation with some kind of supernatural being, who I had somehow summoned, and he was flirting with me! I shook my head.

"No, this isn't happening. This is physically impossible. My father would have never wanted me to do this! It's that stupid book!" I buried my face in my hands.

I knew I was probably going to be way late to school, but this was probably one of the best excuses I have ever had. I needed to think. I wanted to get out of this shop and be alone, but his voice brought my head back up.

"I can tell you everything. Just please get a grip on your emotions, and for the love of all things Holy, please do not start crying." His eyes showed that he meant what he had said. He looked almost pained.

"Why would you think I would cry? I'm in complete control of myself." I said, but my voiced shook.

"I can feel you. You already know I'm inhuman, and there are a few perks to that. But listen, I think we should continue this conversation somewhere else. The barista is starting to stare."

I glanced over my shoulder to see the woman behind the counter eyeing us. Or rather, she was just eyeing him, and with a hungry look on her face.

"I don't think we are in trouble of her overhearing, she just thinks you look good. But I really need to get to school. This is just all too weird and I'm already super late. Can we talk some other time?"

I glanced back up into his eyes. I didn't feel unsafe, even though I knew I should. I was beginning to think that maybe my father had known what he was doing. Maybe this man was the only person that could really help me. Perhaps he wasn't a monster after all, but I couldn't be too sure.

"Meet me at the park today at 4:30. I want to be somewhere public in case you decide you want to turn into a some kind of brute."

"Sure, but I assure you, you have nothing to fear from me. We are bound, I cannot hurt you." He said, standing and straightening his shirt.

Bound? What the hell does that even mean? I stopped trying to understand anything he had said to me and stood up as well. I began walking away only to turn back to ask him one last question.

"What's your name anyway?"

"Evander." He replied with a polite smile. "And yours?"

"Brenna" I called back, and then walked out of the shop doors.

I rushed to school despite the knot's forming in my stomach. If I missed the whole day they would call my mother, and I didn't want her to get any idea of what was going on in my life at the moment.

I pulled my car into my designated parking spot and ran into the school office for my tardy slip. Only thirty minutes late, but my conversation with Evander had felt like it had lasted for an eternity. As I walked down the hallway to my first class, all I could think about were the icy blue-gray color of his eyes and how deeply they bore into mine.

"We are bound, I cannot hurt you."

His words lingered in my mind as I pushed the classroom door open and faced the day ahead.

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