Chapter Twenty Four

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The Ultimate Spelling Bee

As November gave way into December, Hogwarts somehow underwent a transformation overnight. The brown, carved ceilings gave way to a brilliant array of bright reds and green, small sprigs of mistletoe suddenly hanging in every single doorway as Christmas swept over the school. 

Two people who were definitely feeling the merriment were none other than James and Sirius. As ever they brought up their annual bet as to who could get Filch under the mistletoe first and the stakes were high.

"See, I'm best at tricking him into coming under the mistletoe but Sirius is better at sealing the deal if you catch my drift," James sighed, "That's why so far it's neck and neck."

"This is the fourth year you've done it, how is it neck and neck?" Exie asked which James returned with a wink.

"You know Exie, some things are just best left to the imagination."

Remus, who had so focused on stirring his honey into his porridge nobody had even realised he was listening, piped up, "Considering nobody's ever seen one of these Filch kisses I suspect it might all be imagination."

An involuntary shudder passed through Exie's shoulder, "On the off chance, it's real, I'd just like to make it clear how much don't want to see."

"Wise choice," Sirius said gravely.

James merely smiled, "I do love Christmas."

"I love the turkey most of all," Peter grinned, "Nobody else gets it but it really is the finest meat out there."

"It is not, you are very wrong but you know what Peter? I respect that," Sirius said, "Personally, I just love all the free things you get."

"Sirius, you're fabulously wealthy," Remus pointed out.

"Yeah, but my parents are basically Mr and Mrs Scrooge," Sirius moaned, "And everyone likes free stuff even the richest man alive. Presents, people sending you candy canes, getting random money from strangers just out of the goodness of their hearts - "

"That has never happened to me, reckon you're just robbing people," Remus cut in.

"Candy canes are silly anyway," James said, "They don't even taste nice. Even if they're free, you're still not getting your money's worth."

Leisurely, Sirius reclined, putting his arms behind his head, "You know what you sound like? Someone who doesn't get many candy canes."

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now