Chapter 23 : The October Ball

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Third Person POV-

Hope awoke to a dull ache in her neck, like it needed to be clicked back into place, or just had been. The usual noisy, bustling streets of New Orleans were quieter in the morning, but she couldn't concentrate on something other than the overwhelming sounds of birds, jazz music, and voices. Once she opened her eyes, she saw perfect clarity. The grain in the wood of her bed frame, the cotton count in her bed sheets, and the pattern of her bedding having suddenly intensifying overnight.

Hope tried to recount what happened the previous night. She couldn't have snuck out for a party with her friends because hangovers were gloomy and left her with more of a headache feeling than her current predicament.

"You need to drink, Hope." a whispered voice startled her.

Even if the noise made her jump out of her skin, she could tell by the softness it was meant to be much quieter than she was supposed to hear.

She turned to head around to the voice, and saw her father sitting on her bedroom chair, AKA her clothes rack at times. He looked exhausted, wary, yet happiness shone deep in his eyes to offset the slight fear hinging them. She noticed he wasn't looking at her, but at her nightstand where a glass of blood on her nightstand was placed and the memories flashed into her mind.

The spell.

She would become an Original Hybrid.

"Promise me I won't lose myself and kill someone, Daddy," she finally spoke, hushed and vulnerable.

She felt like a little girl again who needed all the love and comfort her father could give her.


She reached for the glass and chugged the liquid down quickly, thinking it would taste awful, but it was the sweetest, most divine thing her taste buds had ever touched. Before she could ask, beg, and plead for more of the succulent drink, her gums ached, burned, and tore apart to make room for her fangs. She felt her blood pulsing under her eyes, her heart crushing and pounding as if it was renewing a life.

Her undead life.

It was over five months since the spell on Hope was cast to turn her into an Original Hybrid. Caroline settled into New Orleans as quick as Hope settled into her new status.

Hope wanted to control her vampiric nature and bloodlust before triggering her wolf curse and felt those emotions, especially the quick temperament and anger heightened from becoming a vampire. As much as she despised the idea of killing someone, even a criminal, she longed to feel whole again.

She missed her inner wolf.

She fully understood how her father must have felt while he was cursed. Hope hadn't felt hers for five months and couldn't imagine living a thousand years without it like Klaus. She even broke down in her father's office to him and he comforted her, made sure she knew that she wasn't cursed, that when she was ready she could finish the transition. But, she still wasn't ready and wanted to persevere.

It was now October, and Klaus had been planning his annual ball and Caroline, Bonnie, and Enzo were invited along with the regular attenders, a few new witches, and wolves that come into age were invited to come also.

Caroline barely had time to shop for a ball gown with Bonnie due to Mardi Gras.



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