Chapter 14 : Weaponary

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Third Person POV-

There are new changes to the decor of the mansion the next year with the addition of new artwork. Klaus's eye and love for art has him exchange some of his most prized possessions, those he mainly compelled into his collection along with his own pieces, to works that has taken over his heart.

Those his daughter created.

Hope picked up painting very easily and shares her father's talent, and seeing his not-so-little girl's art hung next to his, gives Klaus the utmost prideful feeling.

His favourite is a still life Wolfy she finished just a few months prior. The stuffed teddy that was gifted to her is featured heavily in her art, and the multitude of painting difference being that the skill set improved a huge amount over the years of practice.

Hope is beginning to love her new style of letters. She feels she can start to connect with the sender and try to understand them more as they become personal.

Her mother still isn't sure about the gifts and still guarded over them, but with the inclusion of defence lessons over the past year increase which result in very happy parents and Hayley more convinced to give them a chance.

The usual knock on the door on the day of Hope's birthday signals the gift being delivered.

Hope sits down with the gift and opens it in front of her family, still excited that she is receiving these precious gifts. She takes the present out first and held an book on the art of weaponry and Mikaelson men's eyebrows rose accordingly in surprise.

When no one says anything, she continues to delve into the box and pull out the letter that always accompanied the present.

Miss Hope Mikaelson,

You are a young girl. The element of surprise is always welcome.

Learn how to use different weapons, be it a bow, sword, or gun.

Your father will always want to protect you. He will always protect you.

It is, however, useful to know how to protect yourself and not to rely on others.

Teach yourself how to be a strong, fearless woman.

All my love.

"Figures. It's definitely a woman sending the gifts for sure." Rebekah speaks first. "I've had the same view for centuries but it was always 'but you're a woman' or 'it's not becoming of a woman to handle weaponry'. I'm a freaking Original! I can compel people not to nice you know!"

She carries on, slightly aggravated of her brothers biased and sexist views. "Stupid overbearing brother." Was muttered at the end of her continuous rant, only those with vampire capabilities could hear, which was perfect as it was directed at her three older brothers who chuckled in unison at her pouting.

"We have heard this argument for a thousand years now Rebekah. And it was Niklaus who tried to stop you." Elijah defends.

"Well if Father had caught you wielding those swords, you wouldn't have seen daylight again." Kol joins in the conversation.

"It is acceptable for women of this era to defend themselves. Maybe you can pretend to learn how to use a bow and arrow when you take your niece for lessons." Klaus responds to Rebekah, who eyes shone in surprise at his request.

"You honestly take me for a fool? I always knew when you went off curious to learn. Do you remember that fencing teacher had a terrible bloody accident just mere hours of teaching you?" He finishes mocking his sister who throws a cushion at his head, which he catches easily.

Klaus can't help but want his daughter to become a woman he already idolizes.

Someone who is strong, beautiful and full of light.

If making sure his daughter was physically strong, as well as emotional strong and mindful, then he will continue to take advice from these letters. He doesn't want to repeat past mistakes as he'd done with Rebekah. He can see the centuries of resentment regressing since he banished her from the city years ago. He is still learning from the previous family drama and Rebekah also tries to not look surprised every time she pushes passed his limits.

He makes an attempt to stop controlling his family, trusting them not to betray him, letting them live their lives as they wished. He let them go as he did once before, no matter how difficult it was to do so at the time. He enjoys real loyalty that he craved instead of the fake pledges from fear.

Still, he has his moments.

But it is a thousand year habit to break. He's still working on it.

Once Hope realized her father consented to her having more activities on top of her witchcraft and defence lessons, she rushes over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering a quiet 'I love you'. She always wanted to try archery after watching Brave as a child.

Klaus never got tired of hearing his daughter declaring her affections for him. It still surprises him that someone was capable of loving him unconditionally and that she is proof he is capable of love himself.

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