Chapter 8 : Words of Passion

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Third Person POV -

The Mikaelson family and friends gather round in the courtyard of the mansion the next year for Hope's birthday, her request. She has begged to move closer to the entrance so that she can get her yearly special present herself and refuses to open any of her gifts until they all sit in the courtyard. The Mikaelson stubbornness shone through and Klaus relent to his little princess' demands.

"Try not to get your hopes up sweetie, they might have stopped sending your gifts." Hayley tries to explain to Hope out of concern and on her own wishful thinking.

"Don't be silly Mummy, the spirits told me that she won't stop sending them and that the blonde angel is looking after me," Hope replied whilst flying Wolfy through the courtyard as an obstacle course.

Klaus thought of his own blonde angel and briefly wondered if she could be the one sending his daughter birthday presents before squashing that idea quickly. Impossible, she wouldn't send Hope presents. If she heard of the baby news through the supernatural grapevine and calculated when she was conceived, then there would be no hope in being her last love, never mind her accepting him being a father and reaching out to connect with his child.

The door went off, interrupting Klaus' thoughts and he quickly squashes them deep into his own pandora's box of thoughts for his only love.

Hope rushes off with her father close behind her to retrieve her gift while Hayley sits off to the side, sulking a little and Cami walks over to try and comfort her, understanding the jealousy of not being in the limelight. It is more from her unrequited love for Klaus, who has no idea of her feelings than someone trying to support your child emotionally, educationally, and philosophically who wasn't family.

They all gather around the huge wooden table to open the special gift to find books of poetry and a fancy, girly journal which reminded Rebekah of Stefan Salvatore and his diaries.

Miss Hope Mikaelson,

"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language."
- W H Auden.

"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words."
- Robert Frost.

"Light. We all have our shadows, they're dark and they follow us everywhere. They would cease to exist without us; we carry these like a burden. But we forget about the light."
- Chrissie Pinney.

"When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings."
- Dean Jackson.

All my love.

Hope read out the letter aloud and while the rest of the siblings tried to guess what the author of the letter meant by the quotes, Elijah points out some of his favourite poems from the collection to her.

Hope celebrates her birthday with a few friends from private school and her wolf pack watching the latest Disney film in the cinemas with her family stationed by, guarding her.

Klaus reads Little Red Riding Hood to Hope before she settles in to sleep, exhausted by the day's events. New books are placed on the designated shelves and the letter in the drawer.

Before leaving his daughters room, Klaus picks up the framed photo of Hope that Rebekah took on her second birthday wearing her red riding hood costume from on top of the unit, smiling at his cherished memories secretly wishing that he could share them with the woman who stole his heart.

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