Chapter 8

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"Class! Class!" said Professor Vacanti, "We are going to be reviewing something very important today. And it's vital you pay close attention." Hermione was seated beside Harry since Ron wasn't feeling well and decided to visit the Hospital Wing. Her Defense Against the Dark Art's professor had short, blonde hair and greenish blue, welcoming eyes that normally gleamed brightly at his students but today they pierced into each and every person's skull.

"What's a Dementor? Raise your hand." said the professor calmly. Hermione's hand struck up in almost an instant, and the professor gave her a slight smile and called on her.

"A Dementor is one of the most foulest creatures. It feeds off human happiness and makes people depressed and sad." said Hermione.

"Correct! 10 points to Gryffindor. As you guys know, a Dementor performs a special ability that sucks the soul out of a person, leaving them alive but still completely soulless, called a 'Dementor's Kiss'. Some people say it's worse than death. As we discovered, there is a spell we can use to ward these creatures away. It's extremely important that you know this spell by heart," said Professor Vacanti with all seriousness. In most classes he's happy, and making jokes, but today he was very deliberate, maybe even a little bit on edge. "I've brought in a Dementor today, for us to practice with. No fooling around, no making jokes, and no misbehaving. One interruption and you'll be sent out of here immediately. I'd like all of you to take a piece of chocolate, and if you feel dizzy whatsoever, eat it right away, no hesitating. Understood?" The rest of the class repeated, "Understood."

"Everyone get in a straight line, no pushing. Like I said, any misbehaving and you're out." said the teacher as the class got up and into a line. Hermione took a gulp, a little scared. She was never really good with Dementors. Professor Vacanti went down the line, handing everyone some chocolate and then back to the front. There was a coffin resembling item at the front of the class.

"Okay, back a way a little now. Who here remembers the spell?" said Professor Vacanti. "Yes, Harry?"

"Expecto Patronum." said Harry.

"Good! Another 10 points. Now listen closely, class. When you use the spell, the Dementor is going to fly back into the coffin without hesitation. But don't be misled by these actions. When I reopen it, he will come out just as powerful and perhaps even angry. You need not worry, just cast your spell and be done. And like I said, eat the chocolate if you feel dizzy at all. Alright, first up. Go!" The professor opened up the coffin, and a deathly black shadow flew out. His dark, long cloak was ripped up. He raced towards Neville, who was the first person in line. Neville yelled out, "Expecto Patronum!" and the Dementor escaped back into the coffin, the door slamming behind him. Neville was shaking as he walked to the back of the line, munching on some of the chocolate. It nearly fell out of his hands, his face entirely pale and scarce.

As the line went on, Hermione ate a small piece of her chocolate. Just the sight of the creature made her feel sad and scared all at once. The professor was surely right about the Dementor coming out more angry each time. Harry had just walked to the back of the line, Hermione being next. She approached the coffin slowly, raising her wand. This was the only spell she had trouble with, and it made her nervous that she was about to confront one of her biggest fears. Professor Vacanti opened up again, and the Dementor charged out. He spotted Hermione, his dark black face coming closer. Hermione attempted the spell, but her voice failed to say anything. She backed away, still holding her wand out with difficulty.

The deathly thing was nearly a foot away, and she could hear his raspy breath, getting ready to attack. She grew increasingly dizzy, and she saw the professor stick his wand out, about to yell out the spell. Hermione took a deep breath, gathering up all her courage and yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The Dementor wasn't expecting it, and flew back to the coffin quickly. Hermione bit a giant chunk out of her chocolate, gulping it down hastily. Her body trembled incredibly, and she dragged herself to the back of the line.

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