Chapter 24

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Hermione felt herself touching the stone hard walls, her eyes fixed on the cold, rocky edges. The entire room was pitch black, only the faint sound of Lucius quietly laughing to himself. Hermione turned around, fear etched into her defined, brown eyes. Lucius extended his arm out, his wrist facing him. There was some sort of watch gadget there, and Hermione watched as he clicked a few buttons before sliding his sleeve back down and crossing his arms. Hermione's lip trembled as she tried to find the right words to say.

Instead of speaking, she pulled her wand out, whispering, "Lumos," and taking a good look around the room. She nearly gasped, covering her mouth and pressing herself against the wall. The familiar desk she had seen through the Acerulum Ball was there, along with his crumpled up papers scattered around the room. There wasn't any door, so they must have transfigured there. But how? You can't teleport within the castle walls.

"H-how did we get here?" said Hermione, holding her wand out and taking in everything around her. Lucius grinned, taking a few steps closer to her. Hermione stepped sideways, her back still against the solid walls that confined the two of them in the room. Lucius reached for her hand, but she instantly jerked it away, threatening him with her wand pointed against his chin. Lucius simply smirked.

"Miss. Granger, would you kindly remove your wand from my face?" said Lucius.

"Why should I?" Hermione gritted her teeth, "You're putting me and my friends through hell and because of that why in the world would I refuse an opportunity to attack you ever so easily?"

"Because with the click of a button I can destroy your friends and the rest of that bloody retched school!" Lucius shouted, only causing Hermione to press her wand harder against him.

"That's impossible!" she yelled.

"You think, little girl? That feeble battle you and your friend put up against my death eaters and dementors wasn't anything. I still have dozens and dozens of more of my men waiting outside of the castle! And if your friends think they can take them single handed, I dare them to try," Lucius growled. Hermione gulped, her hand now shaking.

"You forgot one thing, though, Mr. Malfoy," Hermione spoke, putting her wand back down to her side. She walked into the middle of the room, looking down at the ground before repeating, "One vital thing."

"And what is that?" said Lucius, rolling his eyes and leaning against the wall. Hermione turned to face him, her eyes calm, full of hope and her body full of the desire to flee and run back into Draco's arms.

"We may be just a bunch of kids to you. But down there in that castle, down in that beautiful, wonderful place I call home, there's the boy who lived, the boy who cheated death not once, but twice. There are two red-heads who know what it feels to lose someone they love and will fight to their death just to make sure they don't have to go through that again. There's a girl who can see past all of your defenses and tactics and figure out what you're doing before you even know yourself along with two boys who will fight by their side no matter what happens," Hermione spoke, taking a step towards Lucius. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she pulled the rose from the top of her dress.

"And this, Mr. Malfoy, this rose right here is an extraordinary gift given to me by your son. And he will fight through anything you could possibly throw at him just to find me and make sure I'm alright, not stopping until he's by my side. He's going to fight for me and destroy anything in his path. He will love me forever and always. His love for me is endless and will only stop when this very rose dies," said Hermione. She took one step forward, the tears leaking down her cheek and falling to the floor.

Behind Her Intelligence [Dramione] - (BEING EDITED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora