Chapter 1

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Tender, soft breezes flew throughout the air as muggles sped down the train station, eyeing Hermione suspiciously as she carried a semi-large cart by her side. Bae, her new, beautiful eagle owl, was sleeping in her cage peacefully. The cage was propped above stacked books that were loaded in the cart, along with a set of packed robes and a sack of wizarding money; 13 galleons, 12 sickles, and a few knuts. Hermione blew off most of her money in Diagon Alley a few weeks ago where she bought all her new required books and beloved brown and black owl.

Hermione was very thrilled about being allowed to come back for her 7th year at Hogwarts because she missed it along with Ron and Harry last year when they went on their quest to defeat Voldemort. Mcgonagall, who rightfully became Headmistress after the war had ended, sent every student from the previous year an invitation to redo the year since the Death Eaters weren't very education friendly. Despite the professors strict and intimidating ways, she knew the struggle of those who had to attempt to learn magic from Death Eaters and how they barely learned anything. The professor felt the need to allow them to redo the year, which was beneficial for Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

The most sad thing, though, that Hermione couldn't quite get over yet, was the loss of her parents. When the war broke out, she had to take away their memory in order for Voldemort to not track them down and hurt them. Hermione was devastated about this, and during the summer after the war, she stayed with the Weasley family, along with Harry who didn't want to go live with his muggle uncle and aunt. When she lived with the Weasley's, though, Ron and Harry were usually out and about, rarely speaking to Hermione. Most nights they'd never show up at the house and sometimes they wouldn't come back for weeks. This dented Hermione and Ron's relationship. In fact, she felt like they weren't even friends anymore, let alone anything more than that.

The only beneficial things for her was getting close to Ginny and helping the Weasley family through the loss of their son, Fred. They were all very depressed and ached back for his jokes, laughter and most importantly, mischievous pranks. So Hermione tried her best to help them cope with their mourning.

Hermione turned to face Mrs. Weasley and gave her a tight hug, burying her face in the woman's shoulder. After releasing, she gave Mr. Weasley a small hug and grabbed her cart, a smug smile dancing along her lips.

"Thank you again, for everything," Hermione spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Ginny strolled over with her cart, grinning widely at her parents.

"Thank you too, Hermione, for all you've done for our family. I hope you guys have a great year. Tell Ron and Harry I said I love them. Good luck you two," Mrs. Weasley replied, pulling Ginny into a tight hug and whispering something Hermione didn't catch. Next Ginny had hugged Mr. Weasley, and before they knew it the two girls ran to 9 3/4, racing through the wall normally. Ginny had gone first, vanishing as she sped through. Hermione closed her eyes, even though she had done this many times before, and rushed into the wall, pushing her cart in front of her. Bae began to hoot in fear until Hermione's feet set foot on the other side breathing heavily and gazing at the sight.

The Hogwarts Express was sitting there, steam rolling to the sky as Hogwarts students piled into the train. Hermione and Ginny hooked arms, smiling when they spotted Harry and Ron entering the stationary train. Hermione called out for them, the two girls chasing them inside. By the time they entered, Harry and Ron were already seated and eating chocolate frogs, Ginny rolling her eyes. She took a seat next to Harry, placing her head on his shoulder comfortably. Hermione awkwardly slid beside Ron, fiddling with her thumbs nervously, not glancing at him. He seemed oblivious to the awkward tension as he scooted closer to Hermione, a smirk evident on his freckled face.

"This year is going to be exciting," Harry announced, wrapping his arms around Ginny's shoulder causing blush to shimmer on her frail face. Ron glanced away, not pleased with the behavior of his sister and best friend and Hermione showed a small smile trying not to be rude.

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