Chapter 15

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Hermione jolted awake, realizing she fell asleep. She gazed around her surroundings, seeing a few papers scattered on the Gryffindor couch and her quill lying down in the middle of the room. Her books had been shoved off while she slept, and some were wide open. The lights were bright, causing Hermione to squint her eyes until the adapted to the illumination. She rubbed her eyes wearily, and got out of couch. She fixed her robe, and grabbed her books and quill. She then trotted out of the Common Room and headed towards the Great Hall. Everyone was there, eating joyfully. Hermione spotted Cristi, Ginny, Harry, and Ron in their normal seats. Abbie was sitting by Sydney, Bianca, and Monica. She was talking quite loudly, and the other girls looked annoyed.

"Good evening sleeping beauty," said Cristi as Hermione sat down beside Harry. She grabbed some chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans, placing them on her plate. She listened in on their conversation, although it wasn't really interesting. They were just talking about the amount of homework, and their likes and dislikes for certain teachers. Hermione buzzed them out, until she heard Cristi mention something about dementors.

"You saw them too?" said Harry, gobbling down some pasta with red sauce.

"Yeah, it was strange. I was walking back from Herbology and I swear I saw one of them flying towards the castle but when I went to go see if I was correct it disappeared. I couldn't find it," said Cristi.

"That's strange. I haven't seen them," said Ginny.

"Me neither," said Ron. Hermione pursed her lips together, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Have you seen any?" Cristi asked Hermione. She nodded her head slowly.

"Yeah, more than once actually," she replied. They all nodded their heads, dropping the subject and eating. They ate in silence, listening to the talking and laughing of everyone else. Soon enough, Hermione had finished. She said goodbye before heading back to the Common Room alone. When she arrived, she worked on her homework until Cristi and Ginny arrived in the room. Abbie left the day Ron broke up with her, taking her things and most likely moving in with Sydney and her posse. It didn't matter to Hermione though.

Hermione busied herself in finishing her homework, done when Cristi and Ginny arrived in the room. She had already grabbed the invisibility cloak from Harry's room while everyone was gone. Once Hermione was sure they had all fallen asleep, she crept out, pulling the cloak over her tightly. She walked out of the Gryffindor Common Room, heading towards the place Malfoy told her to go to. She heard someone down the corridor, panic rising inside her.

"Shh!" one called out as Hermione listened to the other one trip and face plant. She stifled a chuckle, pressing her hand over her mouth. The two people came closer, Hermione's eyes widening when she saw them. They were both boys, Slytherin boys to be exact, and they were Malfoy's friends. She stumbled into Malfoy and them after her talk with Myrtle about Ron. She saw as the blonde haired boy, Wyatt, trudged down the hall sneakily. Caiden came behind him, his brown hair covering his dark eyes.

"Where do ya think he went?" said Wyatt, peering down at the short, mysterious boy. Caiden shrugged.

"How should I know? But we have to find him." he replied. Who did they have to find? Why were they sneaking out to find this person? Hermione tried not to make a sound as they sneaked past her and into the darkness. Hermione sighed of relief, heading the opposite direction for the room. After a few more minutes of trailing down the dark, cryptic corridors, she reached the room and pulled the door open slowly, peering inside. Malfoy was sitting in one of the desks, papers dispersed around him. His hand was busy writing down on a paper and looking through a textbook. Hermione was surprised.

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