Chapter 18

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Her cloak rasped behind her as Hermione ran towards Cristi and Ginny. They were wearing as much red as they could: red hats, gloves, scarves, anything red. If Hermione could die her hair red, she would. Hermione, Cristi, and Ginny sat themselves down besides their peers, looking around the Quidditch field. Hermione peered around the area, watching as other students piled into the field.

She spotted Draco, right across from where she was. He noticed her too, giving her a smile. She instantly returned the favor. Caiden and Wyatt waved at the three girls, Cristi's cheeks turning pink. They waved back at them, now waiting for the match to start. Today Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were competing, and if Gryffindor won, they'd be in the lead.

Hermione and Draco were skipping tutoring today because of the match, but Hermione told Draco to get Caiden and Wyatt and meet her, Ron, Ginny, Cristi, and Harry in the 'room' later tonight. Well, at least she was sure she told him. He was sort of spacing out, but Hermione figured he was just tired or something of that sort. Although, it really did seem like he was staring at her. Their eyes met a few times, but Hermione shook it off. She just couldn't look him in the eyes, she was afraid that if she did, she'd develop feelings for him. Not only was he attractive, he could be smart when he wanted and surprisingly nice.

Something about Draco allured Hermione, but she couldn't quite figure out what. Since day one, they've hated each other. Why? Well, he knew she was a muggle-born. That's how it all started. Then it got to the point where she punched him because he was so mean. She's even slapped him before too, but she's also saved his life back in the ROR when they sent those snakes after Ron, Harry, and her. Why did they save him? Mercy? Sympathy? Destiny?

Destiny. Maybe they were supposed to save him, something told Harry to help Draco. But what? Destiny. If Draco had died, the muggles might all be dead now, along with Hermione. Without Draco, she might be dead by now. Without Draco, she'd be nothing. Without Draco, Hermione would just be another dead witch among many others. She needed to thank him. Thank him for talking to her, being nicer to her, and coming to her to help.

"And there goes Harry, speeding down the field. I wonder if that's the snitch over there-"

Hermione directed her attention at Harry, watching as he flew around the field. That's when she noticed a Dementor lurking near the top of the Slytherin seating areas, specifically the one Draco was at.

"Do you see it?" Hermione questioned Cristi, poking her side.

"What?" She replied.

"Over there," Hermione spoke, pointing at the Dementor.

"See what now?" Ginny piped.

"Oh! I see it," Cristi spoke. Ginny squinted her eyes before saying, "What is it doing here? It hasn't been a week yet."

"I have no idea," said Hermione. She then saw more Dementors emerge around the field. Teachers were beginning to notice. Hermione saw Professor Mcgonagall stand up, raising her wand at the Dementors.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked.

"Whatever it is, isn't good," Hermione replied. Draco furiously started shaking his hands at the three girls, more and more Dementors floating down into the arena. Hermiones first thought was to find Ron and Harry, but Cristy wiped that thought away when she dragged Hermione off her seat and back down to the ground. Ginny, Cristi, and Hermione wandered around the chaos, seeing teachers and older students blasting the Dementors away.

"Watch out!" Cristi shouted, wiping her wand beside Hermione, sparks sending a Dementor away. Hermione gasped.

"Oh my-" She began, but was cut off as more Dementors surrounded them. They went back to back, holding out their wands threateningly. Hermione hadn't felt more scared in her entire life, but in her head as she watched the students screaming, Dementors chasing them, and Quidditch players fly around chaotically, she promised herself that she'd sacrifice her life for the ones she loved. She was done watching others die.

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