Chapter 3

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Students cheerfully chatted with each other, eating pancakes and other breakfast foods, as Hermione stepped into the Great Hall drowsily, rubbing her eyes and trying not to fall asleep. Many people were already there, and Hermione realized she had arrived twenty minutes later than usual. She approached her group of friends, munching on some waffles and strawberries. She enjoyed dipping the fruit into whoop cream, as she thought they were more tasty that way.

"You look a bit sleepy." said Ginny, smearing syrup all over her pancakes and taking a bite out of them, licking her lips in hunger. Hermione gave a slight smile, cutting up her second waffle and golfing it down.

"I had some trouble falling asleep last night." Hermione finally replied, earning a quick glance from Ron and Harry who were busy in their own separate conversation, leaving her out as normal. Then suddenly a swarm of owls came swooping down into the gigantic room altogether, and the different owls dropped packages and envelopes to their owners, grabbing a bite to eat as well. The brown, black-streaked, Eagle owl respectively planted down on Hermione's shoulder, being careful not to dig her claws into her owner, dropped a white envelope in Hermione's hands.

"Thank you Bae," said Hermione as she ripped open the letter, slipping the note out carefully. Ron looked at her a few times awkwardly, trying to focus on his food or talking to Harry. Ginny seemed oblivious to his actions, as well as Harry, as they held hands under the table. Hermione sighed, and she read the sloppy, untidy letter in confusion:


ROR after classes?


She peered over in Ron's direction, but him and Harry were long gone. Ginny was just finishing her pancakes, before she too left to the common room. Hermione looked at the note again in awe, not knowing whether or not she wanted to speak with Ron. Matter of fact, she wondered why he wanted to talk to her anyways. By ROR, he meant Room of Requirements, a mysterious room hidden in the castle where people could go to if they needed peace of quiet, or if they needed to find something important. That room was secluded from the rest of the castle, and it was any room you desired it to be. Why did Ron want Hermione to meet him in there?

After some thinking, she decided she would go, just to see what he wanted, and headed off to her first class of the day, grabbing the necessary books for her class. Charms went by quickly, but not so much as Hermione entered the Potions class, last again, and forced to be seated beside Malfoy. Today he was less fidgety, and calmer but he still tensed up a little when she took her seat. Professor Bewillex was standing at the end of the class, holding a cage with several small, black dotted figures buzzing around chaotically. The red haired teacher grinned at the students timidness, and placed the cage on top of her desk, wiping her hands and simply placing them against her sides.

"Welcome, welcome," The professor smirked. "Today you will be learning the hardest, newest, and one of the most useful potions out there today. It's been used on several occasions currently, and I'm proud to announce I got privilege from the Minister of Magic himself to teach all my seventh year students this potion." Malfoy squirmed in his seat, placing his hand over his mouth, his arm leaning against the desk cautiously. Hermione glanced back at Professsor Bewillex as she walked into her locked up room where she stored her own ingredients-off limits to the students-and coming out with several items. She recognized the ingredients immediately, perching up out of the desk eager to hear more about this supposed challenging potion.

"What ingredients do you guys see here?" The professor questioned, Hermione's hand already in the air before she could finish the sentence. Professor Bewillex smiled a little, and then called on Hermione quickly.

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