Chapter 22

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Hermione rolled out of bed the next morning, putting on her robe and getting ready for the day. She grabbed her books and made her way to class. Although Christmas was right around the corner, the professors were still packing loads of homework on the students and for once in Hermione's life, she hated it. When classes were eventually over, Hermione headed towards her dorm to meet up with Cristi and Ginny because they wanted to "dress her up".

"Finally! What took you so long?" Ginny complained as Hermione entered the room. Ginny and Cristi were putting their make-up on and doing their hair. Hermione cracked a grin before Cristi plopped her down on the bed and started doing her make-up.

"Alright, close your eyes," said Cristi, "Good, now make a fishy face." Hermione did as Cristi told and in no time they had finished doing her make-up. Hermione decided to keep her hair natural while Ginny braided it to the side and Cristi put hers in a bun. Then they got into their dresses. Ginny bought a long, light pink dress that had a big bow slightly below the chest. The bottom half was ruffly, and the top was plain pink. Cristi had gotten a one strap, light blue dress with a silver stash above the waist. Hermione got a one-strap, white, long gown with floral embroidery along the side of the shoulder.

"We're going to have so much fun!" said Ginny, bobbing up and down. Cristi and Hermione agreed before the three of them headed towards the ROR. Since the professors didn't know about the party (much to Hermione's disapproval), all the guests had to sneak there without getting caught. It was slightly difficult, considering everyone was wearing dresses and tuxes but they wore their robes over their fancy wear. Hermione, Cristi, and Ginny arrived early because Ginny and Cristi are the hosts. When they got there, everything seemed to be in place with the exception that the room felt strangely colder than usual.

None of them said anything, though.

They all took off their robes, revealing their gorgeous dresses and went around the room double checking everything. When they had finished, a half an hour had passed and the party was going to begin soon. Hermione was nervous that Draco wouldn't like her dress, or think she's ugly. She was anxious to see what he looked like, though. To her, everything about him was brilliantly amazing.

"Hermione?" said Ginny. Hermione was seated down engulfed in her thoughts when Ginny called her name. Her head spun around to see the very first guest to arrive. He was holding one single rose in his hand, his blonde hair sticking up in a quiff. His eyes softened when she saw him, and she couldn't help but grin and his lopsided smile. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a white tie. His mouth slightly dropped open, his eyes scanning her body up and down before looking up at her with a smirk. Hermione blushed at his behavior as Ginny attempted not to laugh.

"Good evening, Draco," Hermione somehow managed to speak. Draco walked over to her, handing her the rose. Hermione grabbed it from him, admiring how perfect the petals were arranged. Draco gave her a hug and she hugged back instantly.

"Good evening, Hermione. You look wonderful," He whispered in her ear. Blush rose to her cheeks, but she remained hugging him.

"Thank you. You look amazing yourself," Hermione replied. She then released, staring up into his blue eyes. He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. In that moment, Hermione wanted badly to lean in and kiss him and to her astonishment, Draco began to lean it. The distance between their lips decreased quickly. When they were nearly a few centimeters away, someone coughed behind them. Draco turned around to face the one and only Ron Weasley.

"Didn't mean to ruin the moment, Malfoy, but I was going to ask Hermione a question. I guess right now isn't the best time," Ron sneered, throwing a bouquet of flowers he was holding in his hands. Hermione's mouth flew open, guilt edging on her. He was going to ask her to the party, although it already began. He had been pushing it off because he was too nervous. Unfortunately, Hermione didn't know that. She narrowed her eyes at him before he stormed out of the ROR. Draco put his arm around Hermione's waist.

"Don't worry about him," said Draco. Hermione nodded her head and the two of them walked over to Ginny, Cristi, Caiden, Wyatt, and Harry. Not even a few minutes later, the room was filled with most of the 5th, 6th, and 7th years in the school. Food magically appeared on the tables, along with drinks and snacks. Music blared across the walls, lots of people dancing to it. Hermione and Draco were sitting down talking and laughing while snacking on whatever the table decided to serve them.

"Is this what prom is like then?" asked Draco.

"I suppose so," Hermione shrugged. Draco raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair.

"You suppose?" He said.

"I've never actually been to one, Draco," Hermione replied. Draco made an 'o' face. He leaned back up, crossing his arm over the table.

"Do you still have the rose I gave you?" said Draco. Hermione nodded, pulling it out of the purse she had brought. Even though it had been stuffed in the bag, it looked the same as it did when he first gave it to her. Not a single petal was destroyed, and it smelled as fresh as the day he got it. Hermione was surprised, Draco looking pleased at her reaction.

"It's still...fresh," said Hermione. Draco grinned.

"Don't lose it, okay? For me," He asked. She nodded her head.

"I'll keep it safe," Hermione promised. The song "She Is Love" by Parachute came on. Any body without a partner walked off the dance floor while most couples went up and started slow dancing. Draco smirked at Hermione, and she felt herself blushing again.

"May I have this dance?" said Draco, standing up and offering his hand.

"Why of course," Hermione grinned, taking his hand and walking towards the dance floor. She kept the rose in her hand, forgetting to leave it back at the table but since they were already dancing, she decided just to hold it. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck while he placed his hands on her waist as they swayed to the beat.

"I have something I want to tell you, 'Mione. I've wanted to tell you for awhile but I've never gotten the chance or nerves to say it," said Draco. Hermione became a little tense, worried about what he might say. He noticed it, and gave her a warming smile. She became slightly less tense, but she was still worried.

"Yes?" She said.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I thought I hated you, but in reality I just didn't know you. You've slapped me and have gotten me in trouble, but you've also really helped me. Who knew I'd ever fall in love with you. Behind your intelligence, you're a brave and beautiful girl, and I just want to call you mine," Draco said. Hermione was speechless, she didn't know what to say. A heartwarming sensation spread throughout Hermione and she felt more happy than ever.

"Hermione, I love you. And I will love you forever and always. My love for you is endless and will only stop when that rose dies," Draco spoke. Hermione glanced at the rose, and it still looked as perfect as ever.

"And love, that rose will never die," Draco whispered. Hermione felt a small tear leak down her eye. But it was a happy tear, and she gave Draco a tight hug. He then said, "Hermione Jean Granger, will you be my girlfriend?"



The Christmas Tree blew into billions of pieces. Everyone screamed and ducked as the lights around the room went out one by one. Hermione held onto Draco, trying to calm her breathing. Draco pulled Hermione as close to him as he could. Laughter began to fill the dark room, and it seemed like it was coming from all sides. The doors opened, a tall-blonde man walking through. Draco's grip tightened, and Hermione felt as if she was about to pass out.

"I'm here for Miss. Hermione Granger," said Lucius Malfoy. A small light lit from his wand, illuminating his face. He pushed his hair back, then folding his arms across each other. He was wearing a dark grey suit, with a white and blue tie. Draco held Hermione tighter, his eyes pierced into his dads.

"Not even in your dreams!" Hermione heard Ginny yell. Lucius chuckled. The entire room was silent, only the laughter of Lucius could be heard.

"I think you'd all like to know that this castle is surrounded by Dementors, we have taken hostage all professors and the other kids, and will not refrain from killing each and every one of you until we get Miss. Hermione Granger," Lucius replied. Hermione's breating got heavier. What did he need with her? How did he manage to get the Dementors and Death Eaters out?

"Now, where is Miss. Granger?"

Behind Her Intelligence [Dramione] - (BEING EDITED)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara