Chapter eleven

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***** authors note: sorry for such a late update I've been so busy. Hope to update again this week. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Three months and a week

Ava's Pov

" Ava baby tonight we are going to dinner at my parents house, that's okay right ? "

" Yes that's fine, I haven't talked to you mother since we have found out that we are expecting. I feel bad Brixton, I feel like your parents should know especially your mom."

" Is that want you baby? If so we will tell them. "

" Great, what time are we heading over to your parents house tonight?"

" 6 pm."

I then walked out of Brixton office and headed towards to our bedroom because lately I've been so tired and Brixton recommended since I will be carry extra weight.

Finally I reach the bedroom and I slip out of my day clothes and just throw on of Brixton's T-shirts.

Once my head hits the pillow I'm in dreamland.

Ava's Dream

"Get back here so I can put your pants on!"

I yelled as I ran after the little girl with her twin brother siting in the grass like an angel waiting for his mother to come back with his rebel of a sister.

As I got closer to the Little girl I heard the laughter of my husband and him shout

" sweetie come let papa dress you, what your doing to your mother is wrong."

The little girl went running to Brixton

" but papa I was having fun and momma and you were both laughing."

She whispered

" baby papa's not mad, just come let us put pants on you."

The little girl reached Brixton before I.

Once I finally arrived I hanged the pants to him and sat down next to the little boy.

The little boy quickly sat on my lap I pushed his wild curls from his face. He smiled at me as he cuddle my body closer.

I then awoke to the sound of Brixton calling my name gently as he moved my body gently from side to side.

" Ava baby is time to wake up, and start getting dress."

I just nodded my head as I sleepily walked into the bathroom, after undressing I jumped into the shower. As I was showering I notice that I had a small bump.

I began shouting.

" Brixton Brixton."

He came running into the bathroom like he was ready to kill someone.

" what's wrong baby, do we need to go to the hospital?"

" no,no, everything is fine. But look I have a bump."

He then walked into the shower with all of his clothes on to look at my stomach.

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