Take it or leave it

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"Calm down Liam," I say knowing full well that nobody in history has ever calmed down hearing those words.

"How the fuck do you expect me to calm down? I have been calling you for hours now. I just took a flight back from Chicago because of your lack of response."

"You were in Chicago? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Just taking a page from your handbook Mia. Now get the fuck out of this slump right the fuck now," he yells.

I look around and am pretty sure Rachel and Salvador can hear him scream at me. I want to hide my face because of how humiliated I feel. How does he know where I am?

"Wilson is waiting downstairs Mia, get your arse to the car right the fuck now," he screams.

Will I be the girl that gets yelled at her boyfriend and does what he says? I want to hide my face from the two people in the room—because they have no idea what kind of relationship Liam and I have. They don't know how sweet and caring and protective he is.

"That is not an excuse for him to yell at you," Inner bitch eggs me. She is right—I deserve to be respected by Liam. He shouldn't be cussing me out in every sentence that leaves his mouth just because I did not pick up his call. I am not his puppet and just because he has control issues does not mean he can boss me around— I am not one of the people he has on his payroll. I am a human being with feelings and most importantly I am his girlfriend. That is not how you speak to your girlfriend. That is now how I will allow anyone to speak to me ever.

"Get the fuck of there right now, Mia," he yells again.

I would much rather live on the streets than live with a man that disrespects me like this.

"Don't just bottle your feelings, Mia, stand up for yourself," Inner voice too is not on his side right now.

"No Liam, I am not getting in the fucking car." I calmly but firmly state.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yells at me again.

"William Kent, you do not get to speak to me like this. I don't appreciate your tone or your vocabulary."

"I was worried about you goddammit!"

"You can be worried and still remain respectful. I am your girlfriend—not your—I don't think you should talk to anyone like this so I can even come up with an analogy. I am going to—"

"You are going to get in the car and come back home," his voice is muted now.

"I am not going to do that Liam." I don't know where I am going to go—but his house isn't it.

"Mia you're hurt and you are in a slum that is knowing for its high murder rate. I will not apologize for freaking the fuck out when you weren't talking my call or replying to my messages." I can tell the effort he's putting in to sound composed but if I don't take a stand right now—he will do it again.

And I can't have that—I deserve to be spoken nicely at all times. Even if I fuck up—I still should be treated with kindness. He's my boyfriend, he should have my back at all times.

"Please don't call me tonight," I don't know where I am going. God, I miss mom.

"Mia you are being unreasonable," he yells again.

"Don't yell at me, Liam."

"I am not yelling at you, I am yelling at the situation. You wanted me to care for you and now that I do—you are offended and hurt. I don't fucking get it. You can't have it both ways Mia—either I care all the way or I don't care at all," I get up from the floor and walk out of the house to talk to him.

"You yelled at me and I just—I told this girl that needs help that we'll help her out. That you'll help her out and—no you just—do you know how embarrassing it was to have them look at me and feel bad for me because you were yelling and cussing at me so loudly over the phone? I was talking to Rachel about respecting herself and encouraging her to leave an unfortunate and controlling situation behind but you know what—I just realized I am in it too."

He lets out a loud breath and I can guarantee you he is running his hands in his hair, pushing them back. "I was worried about you Mia—you told me you were going to be at Beyond Sushi and then be back home. You ditched the driver and I was not even in the state to bring you back. Can't you see this from my point of view?"

"I never told you I was going to Beyond Sushi." He has been tracking me and I am getting creeped out.

"Of course, you did, how else would I know?" He's lying.

"How do you know Liam?"

"Mia you told me."

"No, I did not Liam. Are you tracking my location? Are you having me followed?"

"Can you blame me for trying to take care of you?"

"There is a difference between taking care of me and monitoring my every move." A big difference.

"I do what I have to do to keep you safe."

"Safe from who Liam?"

"Right now—from yourself. Get in the car Mia, please. We can argue once I am back."

"On one condition Liam," this is my moment to get what I want.


"Make that two actually."

"Anything you want baby. Just come home." He purrs. 

"I am bringing a female friend along and you won't be coming home tonight. I need some space from you." I know I am being unreasonable but this is me—Liam can take me as I am or leave it. 

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