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I don't want to take the deal. It's like putting KFC fried chicken in front of me and asking me not to take a bite—I humanly cannot, not love him. It's not in me.

"I hope you will." The ice in his voice is starting to poke me.

"Is this how it will be? You will continue to give me a crumb of your affection because you know how much I crave it?" I know in my heart that I will accept it even if he says yes. When did I come such a weakling? When was I not? But shouldn't love make you stronger? He is tearing me down.

"Mia, I am not giving you crumbs of anything. I left my meeting midway to be with you and I have never done that for anyone."

"Not even, Sophia?"

"Especially not Sophia."

I can't help but smile and he moves forward and brushes his lips against mine—gently. He places his palms on my cheeks and gives me his blue eye attack. The kind a mere girl like me isn't built to resist, so of course, I melt. Don't judge me, okay?

"I love you Liam and when you ask me not to tell you that, you are asking me to be less than 100% with you. Either I am a 100% honest with you or I am not—what is it?"

He cannot and will not control my feeling or what I say to fit his narrative. He is allowed to have his but so am I. This relationship will not be Mia 20 and Liam 80.

"I don't like hearing it, Mia—it just disgusts me. Why can't you drop this one thing? If you love me, just keep it to yourself. Is that too much to ask?"

"No. Not at all but by that same bargaining chip you allow me to keep my other feelings to myself too. Are you okay with that?" His hold on my cheek loosens and I can feel him pulling back. If he thinks I will give in so easily, he doesn't know me well enough.


I didn't think he would give in just yet. Inner bitch in cheering for us with a pompom "I love you, William Kent."

"I said okay, hide your feelings from me. Keep feelings and us separate, even better." Oh.

"Alright." I lie. How did I lose this one? I almost had him.

I can feel myself wilting, but I will not give him the satisfaction of watching me hurt. I will take it like a champ. I took the gamble and raised the stakes and now I lost. I will keep all my feeling bottled up, which is easy since I don't express them anyway.

I'll just start keeping a diary now.

"I have to get back to work now but what are you doing tonight?"

"Moving out."

"Where will you go?" Is he stupid?

"To my house, of course."

"Hannah just Sublette the place to another girl. Your stuff will be here in the evening and Amy will unpack it for you. Do you want Thai for dinner?" He asks casually as if my world didn't just fall apart. Why would Hannah do that to me? How dare she sublet without even asking me? We signed a lease together and the house is half mine and half hers. I am going back and I am going back right now.

"Mia?" he purrs, but I don't have time for that.

"What?" I yell.

"Are you okay?" Is he crazy?

"Just leave me alone."

"What's wrong?"

"It was my house on my name and she fucking sublet it without asking me. Who the fuck does she think she is and how the fuck do you know about this?"

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