Chapter 17

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I may have gone slightly overboard with the game of thrones obsession. Just a teeny bit over. Not. Every time I so much as even mention the name 'Jon Snow' or 'Ghost', Alec goes feral. Which is a sight to behold. The living room is currently full of broken furniture, and huge holes in the walls. Lets just say, I am currently shit-scared, and have locked myself in a random bedroom.

Alec is on the other side of the door, pleading with me to let him in. The only way I stopped him from breaking down the door and getting to me was by conveniently plopping my ass down on the floor right in front of the door. Daring Alec to break it down now, considering it would just smash onto me and injure me, he didn't even knock on the door. But insisted on shouting his pleads.

"Please! Open the door!" He calls to me.

"No." My jaw is set. I can be very stubborn when I want to.

"Please! I'll do anything. Please!" He sounds so desperate for my forgiveness. Maybe I should open it?

"No." My voice is a lot more calm and collected compared to the inner turmoil raging in my body. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this. But it probably has something to do with the mate thing. Which in itself is a major grey area for me. How the heck do I get out of this situation?

"ZOEY!" Alec screams, interrupting my thoughts.

"No!" I shout back without even thinking about it. Now where was I? Oh yes, The mate Issue. Uptil now I seem to have gone into denial and thought of everything as a joke and even had the guts to call my kidnapper by character names' from a book series. What is wrong with me? I mean, like who does that?

Not only am I completely at the mercy of another human being, and we all know how bitchy humans are. But I also managed to majorly piss off said human being. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut? Groaning in frustration, I lightly bang my head against the door I'm sitting in front of. What am I going to do.

As you have probably guessed, I have moved onto the acceptance and panic like insane phase. Not a happy place.

Wait a moment, something isn't right. And not just being in the kidnapper's house. Its become quiet. Too quiet. No sounds of Alec, No nothing. What's going on? Maybe he decided to give me some much needed space. That boy needs a lesson in respecting other people's personal space. Letting out a heartfelt sigh, I get up to my feet and shuffle to the bed, not caring who's room this is I plop down onto it and slip into a blissful sleep. Its been approximately two days since I got here and I'm so drained already. Even though I haven't done anything but sit on my ass and order Alec around.


The sound of birds chirping pulls me from my sleep. Stupid creatures. If only I could kill them all. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to go back to sleep, even though I know that its useless now that I'm up. Groaning in annoyance I try to move around so that my back faces the cursed window where the sounds of birds chirping and sunlight pours through into the room. Note the key word here;  TRY. no matter how much I attempt to move, I can't move a limb. Did I become paralysed over night? I must have injured my spine in my sleep. OH GOSH, OH GOSH. OH GO-

My panic attack is interrupted by speaking. "Try opening your eyes before you jump to conclusions like that." Amusement practically drips off of the deep voice.

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