Chapter 11 - Protective Cat

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In the infirmary, Levy place Lucy on one of the beds and then Wendy began to heal her. I couldn't see Lucy from my position on the floor so I lifted myself onto Levy's leg. She looked down at me and I looked towards the bed. She seemed to understand me since she giggled and picked me up. She placed me a little away from Lucy on the bed and I tried to walk closer to Lucy but Levy blocked my path with her hand. "Wait until Wendy's finished" she said but I ignored her and tried climbing over her hand. She pushed me back farther and I gave her a small hiss of annoyance. "Natsu, be patient" Lucy scolded me and I sat down, pouting.

"All done" Wendy announced as she moved her hands away from Lucy. I took that opportunity to run to Lucy. As soon as I was next to her, Levy picked us up together. She took us into the guild hall where everyone seemed to be crowding around Gajeel. When we got closer, we saw he was holding the hawk upside down by its feet. The hawk tried to bite and peck at his hand but Gajeel had turned his skin into iron so it didn't hurt him at all.

"I've found a cage" Mira said as she ran over to the group, holding a small animal cage in her hand. After she placed the cage on a table, Gajeel roughly threw the hawk in and shut the door. Since the hawk was locked in the cage, Levy placed us on the other side of the table. The hawk kept violently attacking the cage, especially towards Lucy's direction. I hissed at the hawk as a way of saying 'back off'.

"Awe, you're so cute Natsu" Mira said before scratching the back of my ear. 'I wasn't trying to be cute. I was trying to be threatening' I thought before I unconsciously started to purr. Lucy looked at me with a shocked expression. "Did you just purr?" she giggled and I blushed then I had an idea. I pawed at Lucy's jawline hoping Mira would get the hint and I saw realisation flash in her eyes. "What are you doing?" Lucy asked and then Mira scratched under her jawline. Lucy instantly purred at the touch and I chuckled.

As soon as Mira stopped, Lucy gave me an embarrassed half-hearted glare. She jumped on my back and lightly bit my ear. "Ow, what are you doing?" I asked, "payback" she replied with my ear still in her mouth. She let go of my ear when I playfully tackled her onto her back. "I win" I said and then licked her cute little nose. She giggled which was a heavenly sound.

I was about to give her another lick when someone picked me up by the scruff of my neck. I turned my head to find it was Gray who picked me up. "Save that for when you're alone" he said. "Gray put him down" Erza said and then Gray put me down next to Lucy. I noticed Wendy, Carla and Happy were with them. 'Are they going on a job?' I wondered. "You're coming with us for a job since I can't trust Natsu to stay put" Erza said which answered my question. "We're going on a job!" I said excitedly, I wondered what kind of job we would go on this time.

"Lets head out" Erza said and then Wendy picked me and Lucy up. "Have fun Lucy!" we heard someone shout out as we were leaving the guild. We turned to see it was Loke, who was in his lion cub form, getting cuddled into the breasts of a woman with other women doting on him. "Loke?!" we exclaimed before we were out the door. I turned towards Lucy, "did you summon him?" I asked. "No, he likes to come out on his own" she sighed.

We headed towards the train station which I was dreading. Why can't we walk to wherever the job is? When we arrived at the train station, we bought our tickets and sat in a compartment. "Keep Pinky over there" Gray said as he glared at me. 'What did I do now?' I thought as I rolled my eyes. "Why Gray? Is it because you hate Natsu?" Wendy asked as she put us down on the seat beside her. "Well that's one reason but the main reason is so he doesn't vomit on me again" he replied.

"Oh yeah" I remembered and laughed before I suddenly got hit in the head by Lucy. "You wouldn't like it if Gray vomited on you, would you?" she said. "Ew hell no!" I exclaimed with disgust, "now you know how he feels" she replied. Before I could argue with her, the train moved and my stomach did a summersault. This was going to be a long ride.

After what felt like hours, the train finally stopped. As my friends were getting up from their seats, I bolted out of the train. I rolled on my back in happiness as soon as I was on the platform. "Stop rolling around, you silly kitten" Lucy giggled as she hopped off the train, followed by everyone else. I got up off the floor and walked beside Lucy at Wendy's feet.

As we were walking, I noticed that we were in Crocus. I almost didn't recognise anything because everything looks bigger in my kitten body. I hope I don't bump into Sting and Rogue, they would probably laugh at me once they see me as a kitten. I was in the middle of thinking of all the insults Sting and Rogue would come up with when an adult orange tabby cat picked Lucy up in its mouth and ran off with her.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed and ran after them. "Why does everyone steal my Lucy?!" I complained as I chased them. The chase ended when the cat finally stopped in a dead-end alleyway. I watched as the cat took Lucy to a worn-out cardboard box. Inside the box were three more little kittens, two were the same colour as the cat while one had a grey coat. The cat set Lucy down with the other kittens and started giving her a bath with her tongue. I couldn't help but laugh because the cat took Lucy in as her own kitten.

"Stop laughing and get me out of here" Lucy grumbled. She glared at me but it was hard to take her seriously when the cat was giving her a bath. "Alright, alright I'll get help" I said and ran out of the alleyway to find our friends. Luckily, they were near the alleyway trying to find us. We managed to get Lucy away for the cat but Gray gained a few scratches from the protective cat. After walking for a bit longer, we arrived at the client's place.

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