Chapter 2 - Kittens

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The next morning, we left the hotel and were on our way home. After the torturous train ride to Magnolia, we walked off the train and out of the train station. I had my arm over Lucy's shoulder and I glared at a few guys who were looking at her like how I look at food. We were walking down the street Lucy's house was on and I stopped next to an alleyway as I smelt a familiar smell but couldn't recognise whose. Suddenly two yellow beams of magic shot at us but it was too quick for us to dodge.

My whole body felt a tingling sensation and my surrounding seemed to be growing bigger around me. I seemed to be shrinking as my clothes were getting too big for me. When I stopped shrinking, my clothes around me like a nest, I looked down at my hands and saw two pink paws. Turning around, I saw a long tail and I felt my head and felt cat ears like Happy's. I realised I've been turned into a kitten! "What the hell?!" I exclaimed and then I remembered Lucy. "Lucy! Where are you?!" I called out. "I'm right here!" she called back and I saw her in a nest of her own clothing but she was a golden kitten again. We jumped out of our clothes and ran towards each other. Lucy made sure to bring her keys, dragging them with her mouth.

Two hooded figures immerged from the alleyway and I hissed at them. They removed their hood to reveal Taka and Saiki. "Long time no see" Taka said with an evil smirk on his face. Lucy let go of her keys as Saiki picked her up. "You let go of her!" I shouted, "sorry I can't understand you" Taka teased then I realised, to him I must have been meowing. "We got what we came for honey, lets go" Saiki said as she petted Lucy's back. "You're right, lets go" Taka replied and they were walking away with Lucy. "Lucy!" I exclaimed as I was about to chase after them when Saiki shouted "ow!" and Lucy dropped to the ground.

She ran back to me, "run!" she said as she grabbed her keys in her mouth. We ran side by side as Taka and Saiki chased us. I spotted not too far away, a narrow alleyway where they wouldn't fit. "In there!" I shouted and we ran into the narrow alleyway. We stopped and looked back quickly and saw Taka's hand trying to reach Lucy but he fell short. I quickly scratched the back of his hand and he pulled it away in pain. "You won't be able to run from us forever!" Taka called out as we quickly ran out the other side of the alleyway.

Once we were a few buildings away we took shelter in another alleyway between some boxes. I kept a look out for them, "seems we will be safe here for now" I said as I turned towards Lucy. She was sitting and trying to catch her breath. "We need to go to the guild" she said, "wait a minute, you remember everything?" I asked. I remember how she said she didn't have any memory of Fairy Tail when she was turned into a kitten last time. "Yeah, seems they didn't take my memories away this time along with yours" she replied.

"How did you get out of their hands?" I asked curiously. "As they were taking me away, I scratch Saiki's hand and she dropped me. Although my paw hurts a bit from the fall" she replied and licked her injured paw. "Wendy should be able to heal it when we get back" I said. "How? They can't understand us" she replied, "we'll just have to try" I replied. I looked around one more time before looking at her "are you ready?" I asked. She nodded and picked up her keys. I had a feeling those keys were heavy thanks to our kitten forms and it wouldn't help her injured paw. "Here, let me carry it" I said, taking it into my mouth. "Thanks. Lets go" she replied and we ran out of the alleyway towards Fairy Tail.

Luckily, we were able to reach Fairy Tail without running into Taka or Saiki. We walked through the open guild doors to see our rowdy guildmates. They didn't notice our presence when a tall shadow loomed over us. Lucy and I looked behind us to find Gray with Juvia beside him, staring down at us. "What are these kittens doing here? The gold one looks familiar" he said and then saw Lucy's keys in my mouth. "Hey those are Lucy's" he said as he tried to take them from me. I clenched my teeth around the keys not letting him take them. "Let go" he said sternly at me.

Everyone's attention turned to the commotion I was making. Erza, Mira, Levy, Lisanna came over and surrounded us along with Gray. "Natsu, let Gray hold my keys" Lucy said and I sadly let go. He looked at the keys once again before looking down at Lucy. I saw his eyes widen as the realisation hit him. "Lucy?" Gray said and Lucy meowed back. "What?!" we heard everyone around us exclaimed. "Oh dear, not again" Mira said. "So who's the pink kitten?... Wait a minute, don't tell me, Flame Brain?!" Gray said and laughed while holding his stomach. I hissed and ran over to his barefoot, giving him a good scratch since he accidentally stripped to just his boxers. "Ow!" he exclaimed, "yep that's Natsu" Levy giggled a bit.

Gray picked me up by the scruff of my neck and lifted me to in front of his face. I tried struggling against his grip but it wasn't working. "Not so tough are ya?" he said with a smirk as he glared at me. Angry, I scratched his face multiple times, making him drop me. I shut my eyes as the ground was fast approaching when I felt someone catch me. I looked up and saw I was in Erza's hands. I tried to jump down, out of her hands when she started stroking me. I felt every bone in my body cracking painfully. "Gray, you shouldn't drop Natsu like that" she said.

I looked over to Lucy and saw she wasn't on the floor anymore but being cuddled gently by Mira as Levy, Lisanna and Juvia petted her. Lucy was purring happily as she received the attention. 'How come I'm stuck with the stripper and demon?' I thought with a pout.

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