Chapter 9 - Flame Brain's Love Attack

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Gray's POV

Natsu's eyes never left Lucy's unconscious body as we walked back to our hotel. I could tell he was concerned about her. I thought back to when we found them. After we fought the dark wizards, we tried to find the hostages and noticed they had already escaped. So, we went in search of their guild master to finish the job when we heard a crash noise from the back of the guild. We ran outside and around the building to find where the noise was coming from. As we ran around the corner to the back of the guild, we saw the dark guild master aiming a spell at Natsu who's protecting an injured and unconscious Lucy. Luckily, I was quick enough to create an ice shield to protect them.

When we entered our hotel room, Wendy gently placed Lucy on the pillow we put on the floor for them to sleep on. She put Natsu beside the pillow and he instantly put his front paws onto the pillow to watch over Lucy. Erza, Wendy and I sat around a table looking at Lucy curled up on the pillow. Natsu lifted himself onto the pillow and circled around her before curling up right beside her. He licked her cheek before snuggling his head into her fur.

"He's so in love with her" I quietly said to Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla. "It's obvious how worried he is. I wonder what they were doing there?" Wendy said. "I suspect they hid in Happy's bag" Erza said, "what makes you say that?" I asked. "Remember when Happy said he felt his bag lighten?" she replied and like a light bulb turning on, I realised what she means. "I'm sure it was Natsu's idea because we all know how much he loves to be in the action" she said. "Stupid Flame Brain" I muttered and Natsu hissed at me before going back to snuggling with Lucy.

I rolled my eyes turned away from him. "I wish I could use my magic to heal her more" Wendy said. "Don't worry Wendy, we know the fight took a lot out of you and anyway, Lucy doesn't look like she's in so much pain thanks to you" I said trying to cheer her up. "He's right. Don't beat yourself up too much" Carla said. "We should get some sleep and visit Mr Nosaka in the morning to receive our reward" Erza said and went into the bathroom. Before I laid down in my bed, I looked over at Natsu and Lucy. I noticed he fell asleep snuggling Lucy and decided I should go to sleep too.

The next morning, I woke up and the first thing I saw was Wendy healing Lucy with her magic. "You're up early" I said to her, "I wanted to heal Lucy first thing this morning" she replied. I looked at Natsu to see what he was doing and he was still curled up beside Lucy, watching her. I guess by the way he was looking at her, he was waiting for her to open her eyes.

We noticed Lucy stirring a bit and I kneeled beside Wendy as she stopped using her healing magic. Lucy stirred again and she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing this, Natsu jumped to his feet with his tail wagging. 'He acts more like a puppy than a kitten' I thought. Once Lucy woke up, she lifted her head up to look at Wendy and me. Natsu meowed loudly and tackled her. He kept licking and nuzzling her cheek repeatedly. I don't need to know cat language to know he shouted 'Lucy!'.

"Looks like Lucy's back to full health" Erza said from behind us. We heard Lucy meowed in response as she was on her back pushing Natsu's face away with her front paws. He had his tongue sticking out ready to lick her as he tried pushing against her paws. It's funny to see them acting the same even as kittens.

I decided to help Lucy from Flame Brain's love attack and picked the pinky kitten off of her. He glared at me and tried to scratch me but he couldn't reach. I smirked and poked his head to irritate him more which worked. "Put him down and get ready to leave. After we visit Mr Nosaka, we will travel back to Magnolia" Erza said and I did as she said. Natsu looked slightly sick probably because he remembers we have to catch a train back to Magnolia. I just hope he doesn't plan on puking on me like before.

After we packed up our stuff, we left the inn and arrived at Mr Nosaka's place. As soon as he saw us at the door, his face brightened up in a smile. "Come in! Come in! I can't thank you enough" he said as he led us to his lounge room. As we sat down, a woman with long brown hair came into the room and served us tea. "This is my wife" Mr Nosaka introduced. Mrs Nosaka spotted Lucy and Natsu, "oh I'm so glad you two are alright" she said to them. "You know them?" Wendy asked, "yes, they are the ones who helped me, our daughter and all the other women in the town to escape from the dark guild" she replied. I couldn't believe what I heard.

"What?! You mean that these two-" I pointed towards Natsu and Lucy, "helped you and all the women escape?!" I exclaimed. "Yep" she replied with a smile and I stared at Natsu and Lucy in shock. Natsu gave me a smirk and I glared at his smugness. "We can't express how grateful we are to you. Thank you so much" Mrs Nosaka said and she bowed along with her husband. "Here is your reward" Mr Nosaka said as he handed a bag of jewel to Erza. "I've added some more money so you can treat those kittens" he added. "Thank you, if you ever need any help in the future, contact Fairy Tail" Erza said. "Will do. Thank you again" Mr Nosaka replied and then we left his house to travel back to Magnolia.

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