Chapter 4 - Revenge

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Damn that bath was horrible! Gray purposely scrubbed my fur hard with his hand and kept prodding me despite my protests. He gave Lucy a gentler bath which in a way I was happy about because I could scratch him if he did the same to her. Gray carried us out of the bathroom in towels and dried us off on the table before placing us down on the floor. Lucy wondered over to the basket which would be our bed for the time being. I gave Gray a quick hiss before following her.

I felt exhausted from all the events that happened today and I was ready for bed. Lucy was already asleep, lying down on her side comfortably in the middle of the basket. I crawled into the basket and laid down beside her. She looked so peaceful as she slept. I saw a hand coming down from above to pet Lucy and I saw it belonged to Gray. I hissed at him and swatted his hand away with my paw. I didn't want him to disturb Lucy's sleep. "Just kidding Dragon Breath" he chuckled, "Gray" Erza said sternly. "Yeah yeah, I know" he said and moved away from the basket.

I watched everyone as they were getting into bed especially Gray. Who knows what he would do if I fall asleep now. "Goodnight Natsu" Happy said from his bed next to our basket. "Goodnight Happy" I meowed back and I saw him smile before he falling asleep. Erza turned off the light and went to bed. Now that everyone was asleep, I could go to bed without a worry.

This stupid kitten form was making me worried. I can't protect Lucy in this form. "If I just recognised Taka's and Saiki's scent earlier then I could've moved us away from that spell" I muttered to myself. "It's not your fault Natsu" I heard a voice and noticed Lucy was awake. "Did I wake you?" I asked, "no, I woke up because being a kitten again feels weird" she replied stretching a little. "I'm sorry" I said, "I don't blame you. If you weren't there with me, I would've been hit with that spell anyway" she replied.

She stroked my side with her paw to comfort me. "To be honest, I'm a little happy you are with me in this situation. Of course, I don't want to be a kitten forever but I would be lonely with no one to talk to if you weren't with me. Plus, if anyone is to blame for this, it's Taka and Saiki" she added. "You're right Lucy thanks" I replied and she gave me a smile. "Goodnight Natsu" she said, "goodnight Lucy" I replied and she went back to sleep.

I felt better knowing she didn't blame me for this and that me being a kitten too gave her some comfort. I decided to stop worrying and go to bed. I laid on my side facing Lucy and shuffled my body closer to hers. Our noses were almost touching and I wrapped my paw over her body. Feeling happy with cuddling my Lucy in my paws I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and noticed the earlier morning sun shining through the window. Looking around, I noticed I was the first person awake which was unusual for me. Suddenly I heard a loud snore and saw it came from Gray. An idea popped into my head, 'hehe this will be my revenge for all your teasing yesterday ya dirty slime ball' I thought with a smirk.

I carefully moved away from Lucy without waking her up and then crawled out of the basket. I stalked slowly and quietly towards my unsuspecting prey. Gray was on his back snoring away with his blanket kicked off. The Stripper slept in only his boxers which made my plan eviler.

Once I reached him, I carefully climbed onto him, trying not to wake him up. A smirk grew on my face as I stood on his bare chest. I suppressed a chuckle as I peed on him. "Huh? ARGH YUCK!" Gray exclaimed as he woke up. His shouting woke up everyone in the room. He abruptly sat up making me almost roll off him if I didn't use my claws to cling to his chest. "OW! OW! OW!" he exclaimed as he pulled me off his chest and threw me lightly to the floor.

"Ow..." I groaned as I lifted myself onto my feet. "What's going on?" Wendy asked tiredly. "Flame Brain peed on me" Gray said in disgust as he glared at me. I gave him a cheeky kitten smile which made him scowl. "Get over here Pinky!" he shouted as he tried to grab me but I ran away. He chased me around the room until I took refuge under the bed. "Come back here you coward!" he shouted as his arm tried reaching out to me. I felt smug as he couldn't reach me.

"Alright that's enough excitement for one morning" I heard Erza's voice and Gray retreated his arm. "I'll get you back for peeing on me another day" he complained. "It was your fault in the first place for teasing me!" I shouted even though he couldn't understand me. As he disappeared from my sight under the bed, I saw Lucy at the entrance. "Come out" she said and I walked over to her. "You made such a racket this morning" she sighed. "Sorry" I replied with my ears flattened. Suddenly a smile crept onto her face, "although it was funny" she giggled.

I chuckled, I'm glad she wasn't mad at me for waking her up or I would've got a 'Lucy Kick' to the face. "So how long were you planning this revenge?" she asked amused. "Since I woke up this morning" I told her. "Hey Natsu, it's time to go to Mermaid Heel to get you and Lucy back to normal" Happy said as he walked up to us. Wendy picked us up and with the team, we walked to Magnolia train station. "Wait a minute! Will I get motion sickness as a kitten?!" I exclaimed, "we'll have to see" Lucy replied. Oh no... 

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