Chapter 1 - One Month

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It's been one month since the whole kitten fiasco and one month since Lucy and I have been dating. We have been closer than we have ever been before. When I first met Lucy, I never expected us to become this close. Taka and Saiki are still locked up and nothing could ruin the love Lucy and I have.

"Natsu~! Lucy~!" Happy whined as Lucy and I were about to leave for a job without him. "No Happy. You went on a job with Lucy alone last time. It's my turn" I complained as I pulled Lucy closer to me. She giggled in my arms, "we'll be back tomorrow Happy" she told him. "What am I supposed to do without you two?" he asked as he gave us a sad face. "You can survive without us for one night" Lucy said. "Yeah and you can always go on a date with Carla" I teased. I saw Happy blush before looking over to Carla who's inside the guild.

I took this opportunity to throw Lucy over my shoulder and made a run for it. "Natsu?!" Lucy exclaimed, "you're mine" I chuckled. "Natsu!" I heard Happy exclaim from behind me. "Bye Happy!" I shouted back as I ran. I didn't let Lucy down until we arrived at the train station. "You just love going over the top, don't you?" my dear Lucy said as she hugged my waist. I hugged her back, "you know it" I replied and gave her a peck on the lips.

Sadly, we separated and I remembered that we have to take the train. Lucy quickly went to buy the tickets before coming back to where I stood. "Do we have to take that death trap?" I asked as I felt my stomach doing a flip. "The correct term is train" she giggled as she hugged my arm and pulled me onto the train. We sat in one of the train's compartments and as soon as the train started moving, my stomach felt like it was trying to get rid of my breakfast.

Lucy sat beside me and laid my head on her lap. It didn't get rid of my motion sickness but it helped ease the sick feeling. I wrapped my arms around her hips as I snuggled into her stomach. I felt her fingers brushing through my hair which soothed me even further. Once we arrived at our stop, Oshibana Station, I leapt to my feet and dragged Lucy with me off the train.

We walked through the forest until we arrived at a town called Kasai. I really liked the name of this place. We arrived at the Mayor's mansion and we were welcomed by a butler. He led us to a large office where the Mayor sat. "Thank you for coming Fairy Tail Wizards. My name is Daiki Fujikawa" the Mayor greeted. "It's nice to meet you Mr Fujikawa. My name is Lucy and this is my partner Natsu" Lucy greeted back.

He told us about these thieves who only come at night to steal something from the townspeople. "We will get rid of these thieves for you" I said as I stood up, feeling excited to beat up some thieves. I've been itching for a fight since I fought Gray before we left for this job. He should be going on a job with Juvia right about now if I remember correctly.

Anyway, we left the Mayor's mansion to find a hotel to stay at while we wait for nightfall. Once we entered our hotel room, we noticed our room had a double bed when we asked for a twin bed room. "I'll go downstairs to fix this mistake" Lucy said but I pulled her back towards me. "It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before" I said and her face flushed red. She looked like a cute little strawberry, my cute little strawberry. I gave her a passionate kiss as I laid her down on the bed with me over her. "N-N-Natsu, what are you doing?!" she exclaimed. I was confused, "Cana told me to do this if we are sharing a room with a double bed" I told her. "Remind me to talk to her when we get back" she said as she slipped out from under me.

Suddenly we heard a lady in the building next to our hotel scream "help, thief!" and we bolted out of the hotel. We ran towards the scream as saw three cloaked men running away from the building. We chased them and Lucy was able to trip one of them with her whip. The other two stopped when their friend fell. I quickly punched one of the thieves and started fight the two standing while Lucy took care of the one she tripped.

These thieves weren't much of a fight as we took them down quickly. Lucy was able to find out where they hid their loot. We received the reward from the Mayor before going back to our hotel room. I collapsed on the bed with a disappointed look on my face. "I know you're disappointed Natsu but at least now I can get my beauty sleep" Lucy said as she gathered her stuff for a bath. "I was expecting a challenge" I pouted and she gave me a peck on the lips.

"While you lie here sulking, I'm going to the women's bath. Make sure you go to the men's bath because you stink" she said. I gave her a playful glare and she giggled as she walked out the room. I wanted to keep her here with me but I loved watching her go, if you know what I mean hehe. I decided to do as she said and gathered my stuff for a bath. After my bath, I came back to an empty room. 'Lucy must be thinking in the bath again' I thought. I remember last time Lucy took too long in the bath. I pecked in to see her in deep thought before she threw her shampoo bottle at my forehead. I chuckled at the memory a little before I heard the door open and she came in. We talked and cuddled for a bit before she fell asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead before I fell asleep.

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