Chapter 7 - Hiding

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Lucy's POV

"Argh! Not again!" I woke up to Gray's shouting. Last night, we arrived in the town of Hoshi and we stayed at the Sugar Sweet inn. I was sleeping on a pillow on the floor inside our room when Gray shouted. Still half asleep, I looked beside me and noticed Natsu was missing. "That's it" I heard Gray say and felt someone pick me up. Now fully awake, I saw I was in Gray's hands and he jumped onto his bed. He was glaring at something on the floor and I looked down to see Natsu hissing up at him.

"Sorry Lucy but Pinky down there peed on me again this morning so since I can't punch his lights out without killing him, taking you away from him is the next best thing" Gray said. "Get down here and fight me!" Natsu shouted. Suddenly an armoured hand grabbed Natsu and he looked back in horror. Erza had a deadly aura around her and Wendy, Carla and Happy were cowering in the far corner of the room. "You two woke me up from my strawberry cake dream. Put Lucy down before you both receive punishment" she said with a deadly look in her eyes.

Gray had a horrified expression as he slowly put me down onto the bed like if he moved too quickly, Erza will bite his head off. Once I was on the bed, I slowly stalked away from Gray so I didn't gain Erza's attention. After sliding down the bedsheets to the floor, I ran over to Wendy, Carla and Happy. As if I was a starting flag as I ran past her, Erza began to punish the boys.

Later that morning, we sat on a white leather couch in front of the client which was the Mayor of the town. Natsu and I were sitting on Wendy's lap as he was still shivering from the earlier punishment. His fur was badly dishevelled like he had been run over by a train and his right eye was half shut. Gray wasn't any better, he had a black eye, bandage around his head and blood running down his left nostril.

We were inside the Mayor's office as he explained the job we needed to complete. "I am very grateful for your guild accepting my request. There is a dark guild called 'Dark Spirit' terrorising my town. They're holding the women of our town hostage while they steal and beat up the men every day. Even the children aren't spared, they won't hesitate to hurt the little boys. Their guild master did threaten me that if I ask any light guilds for help then we would never see the women again. So, as you can see I'm taking a huge risk by asking your guild for help but I had no choice. Even If we comply with their terms, I can't see a way of escaping this nightmare" he explained and bowed his head low.

"We understand Mr Mayor. We will save the women of this town and get rid of this dark guild for you. Would you be able to tell us the location of their guild?" Erza asked. "Oh thank you so much! Please call me Mr Nosaka. Their location is in the forest east of here. Oh I almost forgot to tell you! Keep in mind they are active mostly in the afternoon and the evening" the Mayor said. "You can count on us Mr Nosaka" Wendy said and we left his office.

"I suggest we lie low all the way to the inn and come up with a plan of attack. We should take the alleyways and hide our guild marks for now" Erza said and everyone nodded in agreement. With our guard up, we were able to reach the inn without being seen by any dark wizards. Everyone surrounded a table with a map, planning our attack. "First things first, Natsu and Lucy, you two will need to stay at the inn" Erza said. "What?! But I wanna fight too!" Natsu shouted even though they couldn't understand him. "I'm guessing Ash-For-Brains wants to fight too" Gray said as he pointed down to Natsu. "It's too dangerous for you and Lucy to go Natsu. How are you supposed to fight in your condition?" Erza said and Natsu opened his mouth to say something but froze. He turned his head away and pouted since he couldn't argue with that. Not like they could understand him even if he did.

"Come on Lucy" Natsu sulked as he jumped down from the table. I followed him and the rest of the group continued their discussion. "Come on Natsu, quit sulking and be reasonable, we would only get in their-" Natsu abruptly stopped causing me to bump into his butt. "Hey, warn me before stopping" I said rubbing my nose with my paw. He was looking at something to the side with a glint in his eye. "Sh, I have an idea" he said and ran over to... Happy's bag?

"How come Happy isn't wearing his bag?" I wondered as I ran after Natsu. I've never seen happy take it off. "Happy only takes it off when he takes a bath. Now get in" Natsu said. "What? What do you mean get in?" I asked in utter confusion. "I'm not missing the action, come on Lucy get in" he said as he nudged me towards the bag with his head. He was being adorable so I felt like I couldn't say no. "Alright, alright, I'm getting in" I said as I climbed into the back. A strong fish smell hit my nose, "ew! It stinks of fish-mph!" I exclaimed before Natsu put his paw over my mouth. "Sh! We don't want them finding out" he said and then climbed into the bag as well.

We waited quietly hidden inside the bag for them to leave with us when we heard some activity outside. "Lets head out now. Where are Natsu and Lucy?" we heard Erza ask. "Flame Brain's probably sulking somewhere right now and Lucy is comforting him" we heard Gray chuckle. Natsu really wanted to hiss at him but kept it inside. We felt the bag move and we were sure Happy was putting it on. "No matter where they're hiding, lets head out" we heard Erza say. "Aye!" we heard Happy say and felt him flying.  

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