An Un-needed Fight - Part 43

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Dianne's PoV
"Di, say something?" I sat in dead shock. He just asked me to move in with him. I mean we basically live together already but he means actually get a flat and live together.
"Di I know you won't want this but I've got enough money to own a flat myself without rent because of YouTube. And you would have more money if you didn't have to pay for the dorms. Just think about it, I know"
"Yes". She interrupted.
"Wait what?"
"Yes. I will move in with you!" I smiled
"Are you serious?"
"Joe we basically live together anyway. Neither of our roommates are ever in so whats the point in having 2 dorms when we could easily get a flat. We're over 18 it's not like we're not allowed and its fully legal. Of course I want to". He didn't say anything else he just picked me up and spun me around in the sand, he put me down and put his hands gently on my neck before leaning down and giving me the most passionate kiss I had ever had.
"I really love you Dianne Buswell"
"I love you as well Joe"
"Come on Let's go back and have some food. We can watch some films if you like?"
"Sure. I'm so excited Joe"
"Me too Di. I'm so happy you said Yes. I never thought you would"
"Of course I would. I see a future with you, but if you break my heart now. You're in for it"
"I would never in a million years break your heart Dianne. It's too precious to me"

We walked home and as we got there I saw that Brendans car was there.
"Oh Brendan is here?"
"Is he?"
"Yeah". Just then he came running out the door right at Joe. Pointing at him and shouting. "You!"
"Brendan what are you doing?" I shouted
"Him. He's the one making my son hate me. All he ever says is. Wheres Joe I want Joe to put me to bed. I don't want to go skating with you I want to go with Joe. Why did you make my son hate me?" He screamed. Joe just stayed quiet not knowing what to say so I stepped in.
"Excuse me but Brendan. One Billy doesn't hate you but on the other hand where have you been the last few months? Here while your kids have been in England with me and Joe had been trying to make them feel better after being left by their parents. Don't you dare scream at Joe asking him why he 'hates' you, he doesn't and even if he did you brought it on yourself. At least Joe was there for them and me both physically and emotionally. You have no right to come and scream at Joe like this!" I fought back but it was no use. Brendan just pushed me out of the way and I fell into Joes arms.
"Excuse me mate" I heard Joe say " that's no way to treat your sister. I would never treat my sister that way"
"You know what. I'm not your mate and I don't care what you think"
"Well I couldn't care less all I care about is Dianne and you can't just push her around" he demanded. And thats when it happened. Brendan took a swing for Joe and punched him hard in the face. Luckily Joe didn't react to it but just bled. Mum came snd took me and Joe inside before dad took Brendan to the car.
"This isn't over dot" I lost it. He may be my brother but he doesn't get to abuse my boyfriend and make a comment like that. I stormed over to him and pushed his chest.
"It is over Brendan and don't even think about coming round for Christmas. Tell Annabelle to bring the kids but you stay out of here". I went to walk away but turned around again. "And actually you know what's funny. Joe said to me half an hour ago. It's good to see Brendan happy with his kids. I'm glad everything is sorted out. Yet you think it's okay to punch him. We may be related but I don't want to know you at the moment so get lost". I stormed inside and helped my mum clean up Joe's face before crying into his shoulder and repeatedly apologised. I felt terrible for what happened to him. He didn't deserve it.

Thought I would start happy and then spice it up a bit to add some drama so it isn't so boring. Let me know what you think. Was it too harsh? Hope you enjoyed it no matter what though xx

Double post today. Get me 😂 xx

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