Meeting Joe - Part 8

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Dianne's PoV
I was woken up by a crash coming from the common room bit in my dorm. I shot up out of bed and went to see what was happening. I walked in to Oti crouched down sobbing into her knees.
"Oti, are you alright?" I asked rushing over to her.
"Yeah, I just broke something and I think the worry and stress is hitting me".
"Aw cone on. Look we've got dance first then you've got languages. They're not major classes today you don't have to worry. I'm sure you will find friends in languages. But for dance. You've got me". She looked up and smiled but didn't say anything. I stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her up. "Cone on. Go get dressed we don't want to be late".

Eventually we left and we went to the Dance studio. We had to pass the cafe and the food smelt amazing but i had no time to get anything. We were going to be late but we finally made it. On time as well.

Dance was amazing. The first thing we did was talk about where we all came from. What sort of dancer we want to be and what we beed to do to get there. Then we got partnered off. Me being one of the smallest was paired with a boy called Aj. We started talking and hit it off really well. He's already acting like a big, younger brother. Big because he was protective already but younger because he is younger than me. He told me he was single but he fancied his old dance partner who didn't want to come here. We told each other basically everything. I even told him about the boy. Oh god that boy. He was constantly in my mind and I don't know why. Aj told me to go for it if i ever saw him again. I just wish I had the confidence to do so. We eventually got told our first project and it was any kind of ballroom dance. My favourite was the waltz so we decided on that and then booked in some time to use the studio.

After dance I had a quick sandwich and drink before heading to my media course early. The professor spotted me outside and ushered me in. He told me he wanted the 3 scholarship students to meet before the class so as he went to find the others I admired the graphics all over his walls. They were amazing. I could never do anything like that.

The professor walked back in and called the 2 boys in. First came a tall blonde boy. He had a good build but definitely not my type. Then the other student stepped out. His head was lowered but as soon as he lifted his head i recognised him. More to say. I recognised his eyes. The boy. He was another scholarship student. They came over and greeted me. I froze. I tried to avoid eye contact but everything in my body just pulled me back to face him. The professor was speaking but I heard none of it. Until he said.
"Dianne, this is Caspar Lee and Joe sugg". Caspar shook my hand and then Joe came over and looked me in the eye whilst holding his hand out. I took it and felt a true connection spark through my body. This boy. The boy I hadn't stopped thinking about. Is now shaking my hand and greeting me properly. Joe Sugg. I officially know his name. What is happening?

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