Date? - Part 10

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Dianne's PoV
Another day another dance. I woke up really early today because 1. I had really bad cramps and couldn't sleep and 2. My brother wanted to FaceTime me.
I grabbed my phone and went to call him. He picked up straight away.
"Right then. Tell me everything thats been going on?" I smiled to myself thinking about Joe but tried to hide it. It didn't work. "Dianne! Have you met someone?"
"Omg you have. Whats his name. How old? Is he good looking. Make sure he treats you right!"
"Calm down Andrew, I've met him like twice. He is very good looking. He's the same age as me and his name is Joe."
"Send me a picture?"
"I don't have a picture of him. We've only just met!"
"Well when he asks you out, I know he will, then get a picture with him!"
"Dot. If you like him. Make the first move. I'm sure he likes you as well"
"Fine. Look I've got to go. Ill speak to you later".
"Byee. Don't get into much trouble".
I ended the call and scrolled through my social medias for a bit when I noticed someone had messaged me.
"Hey Dianne. Its Joe. You know the eye guy 😂 look i was wondering if you'd like to go to coffee with me or something. Just so we can get to know each other more, see you later?" I smiled reading the text and decided that instead of texting him I would call him.
"Hi, Dianne?" He said with his groggy voice. Oh god I didn't wake him did I?
"Hi yeah. Sorry did I wake you?"
"Nah it's fine. I need to be up anyway. Whats up?"
"Well I just saw your message and thought I would call you to say yes. What time?"
"What time does your class finish?" I smiled to myself thinking that he actually cared about when I had time.
"Um about 12ish"
"Well instead of coffee then we might as well get lunch. I'll pay"
"No it's fine I can pay my half".
"Dianne I'm not going to let you pay. I'm kind of. Um. Asking you out?"
"Oh. Well it's a date then. See you later".

Sorry its such a short chapter. And not interesting. I promise they will get more interesting soon. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out my original book as well. Years Come Back - Joanne Before and After xx

Our chance - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now