That boy - Part 5

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Dianne's PoV
Omg! I did not just say he had beautiful eyes did I? He must think I'm a right weirdo, especially how I just walked away quickly and didn't turn back. I know who he was. He was the guy I had been staring at earlier, before his dad caught me? He was very attractive, and seeing him up close made that attraction even worse. He was fit, I'm not one to lie but wow. He is gorgeous. And his eyes are beautiful. A baby blue colour. But they shine so bright. He seemed so happy and content. I couldn't ruin that. With the craziness of my life he deserves someone who can give them their full attention. Wait what am i even saying. He probably didn't even like me. Although he was staring and blushed when i said about his eyes. All I knew was that I found him attractive but I couldn't do anything because 1. I'm here to dance not get a boyfriend. 2. I don't know his name or anything about him. And 3. He wouldn't like me back. This is the sort of time where I needed my mum. But it was like 3am in Perth so I decided not to wake her up with a silly problem. I just needed to focus on my life and dance. Dance is my life. Life is dance. I need to keep that in my mind at all times. But who was he? What's his name? All these questions going round in my tiny brain. All the questions I didn't have an answer to. All the questions I think I wanted the answer to.

Short Chapter. Very sorry. Hope you are enjoying this story. I'm enjoying writing it but should I keep doing it? I don't know. Thanks xx

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