A Home isn't a Building - Part 39

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Dianne's PoV
After the longest flight, which I slept through, I woke up to the landing sign which meant I finally made it home. My childhood home that is. Now I feel like my home is where ever Joe is. I mean isn't a home somewhere that makes you feel safe? Loved? Not alone? Well that's how I feel every time I'm with Joe. Maybe a home isn't a house or a building, maybe it's the person.

Anyway for the first time since I left home I'm finally going to see my parents. My family, I gather there will be serious chats about Billy and Mia, and why my brother thought it would be okay to hand them to me even though he told me. It was still unfair, but then it made me miss hone a lot less, sorry my family a lot less. I can truly say that I am in Love with Joseph. The love of my life. Maybe even the one. Some day anyway. When we're older. I want to have my dancing career before anything else.

We had just landed and surprisingly the queue for the bags wasn't too bad so we got in and out of there within half an hour. Andrew and Joe were looking after the kids because they knew I would be too excited. When we weren't crowded anymore I ran and jumped on Joes back, thankfully he caught me and spun me around with me screaming 'I can't wait to see them!!' Just as Joe put me down I saw the two familiar faces I had been craving to see so badly. I looked to Joe who just walked off to get my bag and then nodded at me. I ran, so fast that I nearly ran straight through my parents. Their faces, everything were perfect. I really have missed them so much. Also the sun but mainly my perfect family.

Sorry its been a while. Feeling really tired and ill at the moment. I'm trying to get at least 1 or 2 chapters done a week but I'm really sorry. Going on a 4 hour plane journey soon so I hopefully can write some then. What do you want them to do in Australia? Let me know.

I don't know whether to carry on my books as I don't know if people are still interested in them or not. Let me know xx

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