Chapter 35

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Louise’s Pov


I woke up early around 3 am since Harry told me last night that we must be at the hotel at eight. Niall didn’t care to text me since yesterday after the scene at the coffee shop.

There, he doesn’t really like me. Because if he does he will text me and ask me if I was okay.

I’m done packing last night, and thank God that mom allowed me to go with them since Ash and Drake were going too.

I need to get going cos’ I still have one and a half hour left to be exact to get ready. I don’t want to be late though and that’s humiliating; I step into the shower whilst the warm water starts to envelop my skin, it’s so relaxing and it’s like wiping the stress away from yesterday.

I still wonder why Niall did that, and he’s not fond of Drake. Is he really jealous? I can’t believe he called me ‘babe’ in front of my friends, and he even called himself as my boyfriend which I can’t understand why he did that.

I can’t properly sleep last night because of that, my mind won’t stop thinking about him. I want to ask him why’d he do that, and before I forgot, he wanted to talk about what happened when he got drunk.

My heart thuds, maybe we can talk when we got there since I’m not going with them, I’m going with Ash and Drake. After the hot shower, I dried myself and walk towards my wardrobe. What will be the perfect outfit of the day?

This is the hardest option every day, typical girl problems. However I’ll just wear my high-waist pale pink shorts and a white sleeveless crop top. Perfect for summer, I think this will do; I grab all my toiletries and put it in my luggage, I blow dried my hair and put some natural make-up on.

Then I’m done.

Since I have still 20-minutes left, I logged on my Twitter and scroll some tweets. Whilst scrolling, I saw Niall’s tweet just almost an hour ago and of course I read it.

“@NiallOfficial: will pick up someone and goin t the beach with the lads! weather is great xlOfficiak: ost an hour ago and of course I read it.

roll some tweets. Whilst crolling,t in my luggage, I blow dried my hair”

My heart sank, who is he picking? Is it a girl? Oh my, I knew it! This isn’t a great idea to come with them, I bit my lower lip to help myself not to cry, I let out a huge breath. This is one of the things that I have to deal with as his friend. Well I have to face reality, however, there’s the rest of the boys  to make me some company and also my best friends.

“Louise!” My mom yells, “He’s here!” Oh, Drake is already downstairs.

“I’m coming!” I yell back.

Before that, I stood in front of my mirror and wipe the tear that’s tempting to fall. I can do this, besides, seeing a girl with him will help me to forget.

I carried my luggage and walk downstairs, damn, my bag is heavy! I saw mom waiting at the last path of the stairs.

“Dear, take care of yourself and call me if there’s something wrong.” She reminds me whilst running her fingertips through my wavy hair.

“Yes, mom.” I smile to her and hug her

“C’mon now, Niall is waiting.” Wait…what?

Niall? Did I hear her wrong? No way! And this isn’t the plan! Drake and Ash will pick me up! I felt my cheeks were burning and my heart is beating irrationally.

Before I could react and ask my mom who is it again, I saw the fake blonde Irish guy that’s smiling in our living room, staring straight at me.

My feet were glued on the floor, I can’t move nor speak, and I’m in deep shock.

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